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CNC Zero Hour

Longest game in ages, Toxin vs China

#1ReLaX  Oct 4 2009, 17:44 PM -

This was one of the games I played vs Sharp today.
Pretty decent and very long.
I really struggled to get his Helixes/Migs.
Some ideas for improvement would be nice.
Game was played on
patch 1.06
and on the classic td map.

This post has been edited by ReLaX: Oct 4 2009, 17:59 PM
#2-SiLence^  Mar 19 2010, 13:17 PM -
Replays: 17
man this is ugl game ever
#3-SiLence^  Mar 19 2010, 15:36 PM -
Replays: 17
Sry for double post again, but relax can u just pls follow the rules
CNC Zero Hour Replay FAQ Answers
Which replays should I post?
Replays posted in the replay section have to be played on the official maps. In addition they need to have $10,000 starting money and should be played on the correct map size for the number of players playing. The replay section is reserved for competitive entertaining games; one sided games are not tolerated. Please also rename your replay before uploading so that it is not named 0000000.rep
and also on this
3) No we won't be allowing mod maps in the replay section. The replay section doesn't support attachments so it's impossible to upload the map with the replay. On top of that the demand for these sorts of games is tiny.

Like svunjar says he is always eager to help in this forums, and far as i see this is clear rule violation only official maps are allowed to upload, no mods, no 1.06 or any other crap like this.Pls can someone close this topic to people wouldn't waste time on games like this.
And btw svunjar greets u all biggrin.gif
#4AwfuL  Mar 19 2010, 16:00 PM -
You did notice this replay is over 5 months old? And that nobody would have seen it if you didn't bump it by making a reply? And I really don't think you even saw this game, because the link to the map is broken.

Please don't reply to old replay topics like these, thanks.
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