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CNC Zero Hour

HaWkY/HuMaN1ty vs [CD]FakePeople/[CD]RoHaN^

#11HaWkY^  Nov 19 2012, 22:12 PM -
no, you were trying pretty hard. you just fail at microing dual wf.

I haven't tried hard since 'nam.
#12LoGicA  Nov 21 2012, 15:06 PM -
Replays: 102 Game:
Hawky didn't try hard at the start because he couldn't you had no nothing to try hard with until you had your commi, that when you tried hard. Ya nasty CD rohan had only 2 workers at his safe nvm, still was a GG.
#13HaWkY^  Nov 21 2012, 23:27 PM -

I haven't tried hard since 'nam.
#14´'`Divine´'`Ravenheart´'`  Nov 22 2012, 10:40 AM -
whoever played top left gla did the worst, costing them the game. not sure if top right would've made any difference even with full workers at safe, since he didn't even try to attack huma's unguarded base the whole game...

anyway, why top left was the worst: after killing hawky's base, he still allowed hawky to collect from his main base supply. killing all that stuff hardly even slowed hawky down since he was allowed to collect from dual supp regardless. that was a really dumb thing to do.
#15RoHaN^  Nov 22 2012, 10:56 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
The plan was to double down left till the guy is down so I didnt make safe supply in order to rush hard at beginning (Hawky call this tryhard^^).
#16HaWkY^  Nov 22 2012, 21:22 PM -

I haven't tried hard since 'nam.

#17LoGicA  Dec 3 2012, 10:01 AM -
Replays: 102 Game:
whoever played top left gla did the worst, costing them the game. not sure if top right would've made any difference even with full workers at safe, since he didn't even try to attack huma's unguarded base the whole game...

anyway, why top left was the worst: after killing hawky's base, he still allowed hawky to collect from his main base supply. killing all that stuff hardly even slowed hawky down since he was allowed to collect from dual supp regardless. that was a really dumb thing to do.

Yup that was my biggest mistake, allowing hawky to collect from there. But i wouldn't say i did the worst as i killed bottom left and put pressure on them, So your statement is over-critical on 1 mistake.
#18Replaysystem  Dec 11 2012, 17:33 PM -

Replays: 0
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#19-SeX`iie  Dec 12 2012, 19:19 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
obviously hawky didnt try hard. even a noobface must see this
#20DancingWolf  Jan 5 2013, 18:46 PM -
Replays: 8
this game was shit! no wub! gla deserved to win this! they played so beautifully using simple units and ruled the map! usa started bitching around and camping and sending his unstoppable a-10s and carpet bombs etc. to do the work! that's not pro! fuck off! every fucking noob can win with usa! not a big deal!
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