Support Class
Note. The "Requirements" are listed as "build time, cost, tier", where the cost is measured in Command Points (CP) for units and Power (Po) for structures. The build time for units (but not for structures) is reduced by 75 % while the Crawler is inside a Deployment Zone.
Crawler-purchased upgrades have square icons, unit abilities have icons with a clipped corner.
Support Crawler (MCV)
Rocket: Strong vs. Medium Aircraft
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Repair Radius, Ability to Build Units, Ability to use Support Powers
» Mobile Stealth Generator, Charged Capacitors
Hitpoints: 2000
Unpack Immediately: Unpack the Crawler to allow produced units to exit.
Pack Up: Pack up the Crawler into a mobile and highly armored vehicle.
Mobile Stealth Generator (MCV Upgrade):
The MCV becomes stealthed while mobile.
Charged Capacitors (MCV Upgrade):
Increases the rate at which Support Points are gained for using Support Powers.
Sound: Engineer Quotes!Repair Beam
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Cliffjumping, Stealth Detection, Clear Mines, Repair, Capture Husk
» Range Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 8 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 150
Repair: Manually repair targeted unit or structure.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Sound: Venom Quotes!Rocket: Strong vs. Medium Aircraft
Light: Weak vs. GunUpgrades:
» Range Boost, Accuracy Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 300
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Accuracy Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases chance to hit by 50% for Tier 1 Cannon and Rocket Units. Rocket units will no longer miss against moving targets. Cannon units will no longer miss when moving.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Cannon: Strong vs. Medium Vehicles
» Can only attack ground units
Medium Aircraft: Weak vs. RocketUpgrades:
» Cloak Module, Range Boost, Accuracy Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 550
Cloak Module (Passive Upgrade):
Makes the Cobra and Vertigo stealthed.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Accuracy Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases chance to hit by 50% for Tier 1 Cannon and Rocket Units. Rocket units will no longer miss against moving targets. Cannon units will no longer miss when moving.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Sound: Marauder Quotes!Gun: Strong vs. Light
Medium: Weak vs. CannonAbilities
» Tiberium Shells (decreases armor and damages over time, passive)
» Range Boost, Refire Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 700
Reload: Manually Reload this unit's weapon (faster than automatic reload).
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Refire Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Decreases the reload or recharge time of many Gun and Laser units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Repair Beam
Medium Aircraft: Weak vs. RocketAbilities:
» Repair nearby allies, System Restore
» Infusion Engine, Range Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 240
System Restore: Removes one negative effect from all friendly units, and one positive effect from all enemy units in the area of effect.
Engage Infusion Engine: Increase damage of friendly units within the area of effect.
Infusion Engine (Scalpel Upgrade):
Gives the Scalpel the ability to increase damage of friendly units.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Laser: Strong vs. Heavy
Medium: Weak vs. CannonAbilities:
» Burrow, Voice of Kane (increases nearby allies' rate of fire, passive)
» Refire Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 800
Burrow: Burrows underground, decreasing speed but gaining armor. Burrowed units are considered stealthed, and can traverse cliffs.
Unburrow: Order this unit to resurface.
Refire Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Decreases the reload or recharge time of many Gun and Laser units.
Sound: Salamander Quotes!Rocket: Strong vs. Medium Aircraft
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Purification
Requirements: 15 sec, 8 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 1000
Purification: Scorch the ground, doing area of effect damage in a small radius that expands briefly or until a move order is given.
Nod Support - SalamanderHijacker
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Hijack Vehicle, Weapon Scrambler (reduces enemy chance to hit, passive)
» Data Worm, Speed Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 200
Inject Data Worm: The Hijacker infects targeted enemy, which takes damage over time before exploding. Upon death, the virus can transfer to another nearby enemy.
Data Worm (Hijacker Upgrade):
Allows the Hijacker to infect a targeted enemy, which takes damage over time before exploding. Upon death, the virus can transfer to another nearby enemy.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Nod Support - HijackerVertigo
Sound: Vertigo Quotes!Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Medium Aircraft: Weak vs. RocketAbilities:
» Fire Bombs, Supersonic Thrusters
» Cloak Module
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 600
Supersonic Thrusters: Immediately return to MCV, gaining a speed boost. This unit reloads faster in the presence of the MCV.
Cloak Module (Passive Upgrade):
Makes the Cobra and Vertigo stealthed.
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Increases armor of nearby allies (passive)
» Hangar Bays
Requirements: 20 sec, 12 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 1200
Hangar Bays (Leviathan Upgrade):
Small fixed-wing gun drones surround each Leviathan, attacking nearby enemies.
Sound: Basilisk Quotes!Laser: Strong vs. Heavy
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Stasis Field
» Spectrum Beam
Requirements: 15 sec, 10 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 1000
Stasis Field: Targeted units are made invulnerable but unable to move or fire.
Spectrum Beam (Basilisk Upgrade):
Laser weapon bounces off of nearby enemies, causing damage to multiple targets.
Sound: Medusa Quotes!Blast: Strong vs. Structures
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» EMP Rocket, Solidify Matrix, Attack decreases speed and dodge (passive)
» Amplification Overrides
Requirements: 15 sec, 10 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 600
EMP Rocket: Fire an EMP rocket at the targeted location, powering down nearby ground enemies.
Solidify Matrix: Repairs all nearby allied units.
Amplification Overrides (Medusa Upgrade):
Increase the radius of the Medusa's EMP, Flux Cannon, and repair effects, plus the cannon slows targets, EMP lasts longer, and repairs are more effective.