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Command and Conquer 4

Launch Cup Round 1 Game 1

#21Elven  May 26 2010, 18:13 PM -
Replays: 85 Game:
That's a good idea.

Thanks =)!
#22TheReDKinG  May 31 2010, 07:35 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
going to see
#23Parture  May 31 2010, 18:01 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
going to see

Have you seen yet?

What I see is a failure in the early going by Isaac_Render who built all engineers and was fighting for the middle while we only owned two nodes. This made it difficult on all of us all to pick up the weight. More of my teammates should have joined me in holding the node to the far left of the map as the other team pitched in to eventually overtake it.

Isaac_Render's newfound strategy which he had not used before of always building engineers I truly believe is the major factor along with his idea in game 2 & 3 of the finals to congregate in the south and not own the top 3 nodes, is the reason we lost. LobLob is gullible and just followed Isaac to whatever he told him to do.

This is what the Holy Spirit has put on my heart to say in discerning the situation.

I trust you will observe the same when you watch the video. It's weird because Isaac_Render did not use that strategy, except in the 2nd game of round 3 he got cocky and did it then too. And you can see like a little puppy dog, LobLob followed Isaac_Render and built all engineers.

I think this is a good case and learning lesson not to get cocky.

#24Lobber  May 31 2010, 23:37 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
Isaac did really well this game actually he held 2 vs him for like 15 minutes it was really good...
#25Parture  Jun 1 2010, 02:17 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Isaac did really well this game actually he held 2 vs him for like 15 minutes it was really good...

Actually the momentum was lost at the outset because he wasn't doing anything just building engineers in the beginning when what was needed was for us to hold the far node for 3 nodes. You came over to help but that wasn't enough. What was needed was for 3 of our guys to be on the far hub. I don't see how we could win with Isaac_Render building engineers in all 3 games of the finals. Very poor unit choice. Between LobLob's bad strategy in game 2 & 3, and Isaac_Render's obsession with engineers, there was no way we could win. The only solution is better teammates.

#26JordanHarlow  Jul 7 2010, 22:26 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Great game guys!!
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