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Command and Conquer 4

Finals, Sexy Time vs FoS g1

#174  Sep 20 2010, 02:01 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
#2Lobber  Sep 20 2010, 22:19 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
I was so lost as to what I should do as certain points of that game...
#3stormgear  Sep 21 2010, 00:41 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
I was so lost as to what I should do as certain points of that game...

We should have gone south if you ask me tongue.gif
#4shortone323  Sep 21 2010, 01:21 AM -
Replays: 19 Game:
I know exactly what you mean Lobber. At one point in the middle of the game I couldn't even pick a crawler to spawn as. Near the end we regrouped and started to make a comeback, but it was too late because FOS has too big of an advantage. No one on our team was able to contest that blue tib on the bottom, and that's what came back to haunt us.

FOS did a good job of just steamrolling us in the middle - late game. Like I said before, I really didn't know what to do other than try to take undefended nodes and not get caught by a huge force. Good game guys.
#5Lobber  Sep 21 2010, 22:14 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
That game I learned that juggernauts have soooooooooooo much HP... 960? That's ridiculous and is sooooooooo hard to kill with any large force. The bigger an army is to try and kill them the less affective they are. Curse you splash dmg.

Anyway FOS had an amazing combination of units in the late game was was almost impossible to counter...
This post has been edited by Lobber: Sep 21 2010, 22:15 PM
#6shortone323  Sep 22 2010, 22:24 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
I just rewatched this game, and it's amazing that it ended up as close as it did. There were a lot of poor unit and poor strategic choices made by Sexy Time. Not going to go into details on individual mistakes here on this forum, but there were a lot of them.

Other than that, this game is really an example of why Zone Raiders are such a good unit. You really cannot play defense once they hit the field. In 1v1 situation, by having a full CP of Devouts or Black Hand along with your turrets, you might be able to keep a decent amount of your turrets alive against a moderately sized Zone Raider. The problem with that is two fold:
1) You're going to lose a turret no matter what you do. Zone raiders are really fast, so you won't be able to inflict much damage on them before they get into range, they have a lot of health for a light unit (low health is what keeps most infantry units from being effective ie) Devouts), so they can take a lot of punishment, and they do really good damage to turrets (and heavy units; the effect of Zone Raiders on heavy units is similar to their effect on turrets, although less severe).

2.) You really won't have too many isolated 1v1 skirmishes in a 5v5 game. You have to build the right units to counter what you're facing at the time, and if you're in the middle of fighting an offense player when Zone Raiders come in, you're fucked. Turrets are gone, and you're left with Defense units, which overall are weaker than their Support and Offensive counterparts.

You can sort of see an example of this with the skirmish at the top uplink tower around 10 minutes in, although the numbers aren't that equal for both sides. Still, 3 Zone Raiders are enough to start making a dent in the combined turrets of me and Lobber, forcing us to delete them or lose 10cp. Then, a larger force of Zone Raiders comes in and kills Lobber's crawler in a really short amount of time. After that, we were pretty much forced to stay away from Defense, and the Zone Raiders also kept heavy tier 3 units from being effective in the late game. And, with the presence of kodiaks and Juggernauts, we were pretty much forced to use Maruaders if we wanted to counter them, which were useless against everything else that FOS was using at that time.
#7TPPK  Sep 26 2010, 16:45 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
I forgot to add tagged for VoD, someone else will have to make the topic on it
#8SU3AD  Sep 26 2010, 23:27 PM -
Replays: 40 Game:
now i dont even know what happened in the later 2 games
things turned upside down and then deep in shit
#9TPPK  Sep 27 2010, 09:32 AM -
Replays: 22 Game:
FoS made more mistakes because sexy-time made less mistakes.

I also think there is a psychological advantage when the Nod side is convinced GDI is better.
#10shortone323  Sep 27 2010, 18:53 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
now i dont even know what happened in the later 2 games
things turned upside down and then deep in shit

I assume you're referring to us winning the next two games by a huge margin?

We didn't collect and harass tiberium that well in this game. Some of our players, myself included, took the challenge of this first game lightly, and I'm not sure that everyone put forth their best effort. Lots of mistakes were made, and players were more focused on individual battles than they were on the overall strategy.

After the loss, we came into the second game more focused than we were before, and we really tried to focus on controlling tiberium in the early game. We were able to do that, and that's why we won the next two games by a lot.
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