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Command and Conquer 4

Defeated Heroic Reckoners? 03

#1stormgear  Apr 17 2011, 14:23 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Note: Recks aren't heroic at this replay.

Reck combo sense tingling tongue.gif The match was fairly close around midgame, I felt that someone might attempt to go Recks so I threw in a Recon Drone on the left side of the Spawn Zone, nothing there.

Feeling rather unsatisfied from my scouting result, I threw in a second Drone on the right. There I spotted mweiknedy redeploy as Defense to prepare his recks, watch around 54:55. Unfortunately the combo is incomplete, the recks didn't get their crate feed yet the threat is there.

Later on he deployed it on the center node, gaining its armor/anti-emp bonus. Recalling Team VKP's tip to Status Reboot them, I did so and surely enough it helped killed at least one.

Edit: You can find similar replays under my replay collection.

Further edit: 1 reck was killed while undeployed, later on another one while deployed.
This post has been edited by stormgear: Apr 17 2011, 14:37 PM
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