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Command and Conquer 4

MACRO pays off close game

#1stormgear  Dec 15 2011, 15:31 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
First off, thank you guys for allowing me to upload this happy.gif I have to say that this is one of my few 'soft' attempts to macro a bit and it seems to pay off happy.gif Check out mwieknedys node control, its a classic w00t.gif bowdown.gif Not to mention a really nice close game too.

I really made some mistakes around early game and major ones at node 5, that one earns me a lot of facepalm really ph34r.gif Now that I've watched it, I was right that I've played a bit clumsy at this game XD

mwieknedy also requests if this replay can be vodded if the vodders don't mind, thanks for watching smile.gif

Btw, any feedback will be very much appreciated ^^ But don't focus on just mine, I believe that there are some really nice moves here that I saw.
This post has been edited by stormgear: Dec 15 2011, 16:58 PM
#2everyman  Dec 15 2011, 16:10 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
I made ​​some mistakes too, but I think when you encounter a very skilled opponent, it's difficult not to make mistakes.

BTW, this game really close
#3ZodiacHeadlock  Dec 15 2011, 16:39 PM -
Replays: 39 Game:

mwieknedy also requests if this replay can be vodded if the vodders don't mind, thanks for watching smile.gif

Watched. Wubbed. Tagged tongue.gif
#4Sunreflos  Dec 15 2011, 18:19 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Sounds good to me. Downloading
#5Sunreflos  Dec 15 2011, 21:11 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Very nice game. Thoroughly impressed with both teams.

Around that mark the use of a mantis to grab the blue is nice for the extra damage it can do to a bulldog rush, but it has lower hp than an avenger and is just as slow (I don't know if hunters to extra damage to mantis since its a weaker tank, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did) Personally I think more raiders would have been better because of the speed. Bringing the blue to your starting spawn is also debatable. You can risk taking it to the spawn (Through the enemy who are considerably closer to you) or take the top uplink and fight off a few fast units and grab it with little hassle (unless its some crazy support rush to the north) Might have saved the loss of your first blue, but who knows?

Nice move by Stormgear to deploy behind GDI. Could easily cause a big enough distraction/rouse to keep GDI occupied giving you the time you need to defend and secure your tib or maybe even Storm steal their tib. Nice grouping GDI, but you do leave the sides of the map wide open and the back uplink free for Nod to use. You win a match by cornering and limiting the movement of Nod.

Use of flame tanks was a great choice. They are very underrated and it was the perfect counter vs. Kurwa's defense composition (Light units and structures)

Sacrificing units for 3 tib at the top left uplink. Well worth it. Especially since it's setting Nod back further in the game.

Nod you keep spawning in the middle of the fight with no units to back yourselves up. Grouped GDI will cut through you like a "Knife through butter" better to spawn away from the fight and force them to split the forces to deal with you. You guys are better fighting mini 1v1's across the map then fighting grouped unless of course you have amazing teamwork and a great unit composition to be reckoned with.

> Good grouping during the match (mainly at the start), but dont get to bunched up. Have a little space between your units so you can perhaps catch stealthed units running by or just catch regular unstealthed units.

> Very nice use of the stasis shields to hold nodes. Especially since there was a small group of stealth tanks constantly harassing your back nodes. The defense was good from you guys, but make sure to get juggernaut sticky bombs/mines tib upgrade. Its extremely useful against High Confessor's and Specter's.

> Other than that make sure you don't have any idol units on the map. Saw a few through the match. Every unit counts against T3 Nod. Control their movement and limit their options. They will make mistakes and you build off of them strait to victory.

> A defense would have been nice at the start. Its good for holding the middle and keeping GDI at bay while you collect tib. It also leaves the possibility of you reinforcing the defense and potentially claiming the middle for yourselves. 2 support crawlers cannot do this. They don't have the durability/survivability to handle the damage output.

> Whoever owned the small group of stealth tanks that harassed the back nodes like a "Boss" well done. Those really did help you guys out and got you alot of points this match. Dam good micro on them and very effective.

> High Confessor use was spot on. Did wonders vs. the GDI army and helped you keep them out of your nodes. Good teamwork. Shame that finfoux dc'd when he did, but who knows maybe it was what you needed to win the match.

This game really was close and macro really did keep this match long and entertaining. "Edge of my seat" haha.

GG Well played both teams.


#6quincunx  Dec 16 2011, 11:41 AM -
Replays: 19 Game:
So many wubs and so few downloads. I are download.
#7mwi  Dec 16 2011, 12:06 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
nice game
#8Elven  Dec 17 2011, 00:15 AM -
Replays: 85 Game:
Need... to ... download... but... no.. time... need.... XD

Tomorrow (And I hope I really will!)
#9Kurwa..  Dec 17 2011, 08:08 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
:-D What means tagged or vodded?

... Stop laughing!
#10stormgear  Dec 17 2011, 08:33 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
:-D What means tagged or vodded?

... Stop laughing!


It means a Commentator which I think are also nicknamed as a 'VODder' (VOD = Video Of the Day) will create a video complete with a feedback out of that replay.

You can find some of them here: C&C 4 Videos, Commentaries & Shoutcasts

I updated video link to new system -Elven
This post has been edited by Elven: Dec 17 2011, 08:39 AM
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