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Command and Conquer 4

Against Impossible Odds

#11~Michael~  May 20 2011, 09:33 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Noticed bardmans reply, but was a bit disappointed still of the raider spamming. Like instead of taking easy care of 6+ Zone Raiders he just way-pointed all his raider spam to GDI tib zone, only to see it getting to the GDI spawn anyways, so just lost time and units by achieving... nothing.

During that time, GDI also managed to capture all 5 nodes...


PS: Nice points for GDI, was cute seeing that GDI Commando capture the tiberium while being escorted by Engineer spam. ^^

Spoiler OMG at the end, I thought why this was called "against impossible odds", GDI dominates the whole early game, when Nod hits Tier 3 they just own everything, would have been so sad to see Nod win this. Luckily GDI could still harvest the last few points.

Also, Nod, can't you see, stasis field don't work on Ion Cannon, really, stop that, 3+ wasted Stasis Fields on Ion Cannon that still killed them. >_>

Thx Buddy. I knew this Commando-guy i soooo slow....but he will bring it home. I wrote to Ari in Teamchat: I swear i will bring it home....at all cost ,-)
You can also see that "we" (i did and some others) did continue collecting Tib as we reached Tec3.... and this points (from the Tib) made maybe the difference in the final score.
I am still surprised we could beat them with 2 randoms in our team....NOD had some very good players there...
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