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Command and Conquer 4

for old time's sake - FIMZ vs mixed+NTS

#11Sunreflos  Dec 10 2011, 14:40 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:

You sir are a Gentleman and a Scholar.
#12stormgear  Dec 10 2011, 14:50 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:

You are very helpful, would you like to become a GR staff? tongue.gif
#13arigold  Dec 10 2011, 16:16 PM -
Replays: 43 Game:

You are very helpful, would you like to become a GR staff? tongue.gif

haha no thanks, but i am a gentleman striving to become a scholar biggrin.gif
#14Wombat  Dec 10 2011, 16:26 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Impressive game, well played all.
#15zebrastripes  Dec 10 2011, 16:41 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
wombyyy! we missed you that game sad.gif felt weird not seeing the def middle..
#16HUNTER_C&C4_LEGEND  Dec 10 2011, 17:03 PM -
Replays: 0
#17Wombat  Dec 10 2011, 17:40 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
wombyyy! we missed you that game sad.gif felt weird not seeing the def middle..

I know, not sure where I was when that game was played.
#18Elven  Dec 10 2011, 20:48 PM -
Replays: 85 Game:
I didn't really like that game to be honest, but gg anyway ^^
#19ZodiacHeadlock  Dec 11 2011, 13:46 PM -
Replays: 39 Game:
First game like that we'd had in ages. Felt a bit nostalgic after all that time.
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