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The Basic's Of Af/Tank Mirror!

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# 1FrOg Sep 13 2005, 08:20 AM
The Basic's Of Af/Tank Mirror!

Af/Tank Mirror IPB ImageAirforceIPB ImageTank |VS| IPB ImageAirforceIPB ImageTank

Now this is actually my favorite matchup in the whole game because I think it's the most strategic matchup there is. Why? Well, because the best combo in the game are mirroring each other. Also, the Tank has to work as a good team with the AF and not let him die to Tank's strong gatts. This here is why this matchup is such a true test of teamwork and your strategic skills wink.gif.

Anyways, there's so many strats you could do in this sort of mirror. Most of them involving doubling Tank,or taking him out early in the game. There's only a few where the AF gets doubled. But tbh getting Tank out quick is your main ojective here tongue.gif. Here are the main strats you will see in your typical AF/Tank mirror!

"Front Rax"

Now the main point of this strategy is to double Tank with mds and gatts to take him out of the game quickly. Basically, the AF builds a rax in the middle or near his base with his first or second dozer and pumps out mds towards Tank's base, Whilst spamming MD's towards the tanks base. It's also a good idea to build a backup barracks in your base in case he sends his gats over the hill and round the map so you could have some mds ready to laser lock them and prevent them from getting in your very fragile AF base.

Now, as soon as you get your first king raptor guide it through the airforce base and towards the hill. The enemy tank player usually has one of his dozers on one side of the hill and the other on the far left entrance of the wall. Kill both to stop him rebuilding supplies/warfactories and to prevent him from teching if it comes to that. After killing both dozers, gather 3 together and destory both warfactories whenever possible.

Also, the Tank should go 1 front wf and 1 back wf and focus on massing his gats and once he has about 6 or more he can start to attack with the aid of the airforces MD's. Both players should focus on attacking at the same time with MD's laser locking gats and gats shielding the MD's. If this strat is done well, it can own a tank in a matter of minutes and win the game for you there. Here are some reps showing this strat in action and when it's mirrored by rax first as well wink.gif.

Attached File 2v2cwaN4.zip
Size: 17.08k
Size (unzipped): 57.44k
Number of downloads: 576
Player Name Side Team
[PaNiC]LoCk-On^ 2
[PaNiC]PaiSa 2
aN.inCredible^{0} 1
aN.Doomy{0} 1

Attached File tank_af_mirror_vs_OoE.zip
Size: 20.44k
Size (unzipped): 64.4k
Number of downloads: 510
Player Name Side Team
[OoE]-PheoNiX- 2
TBH|FrOg 1
TBH|FrAnt1C 1

Attached File Tank_af_mirror_vs_OoE_2.zip
Size: 13.69k
Size (unzipped): 41.77k
Number of downloads: 392
Player Name Side Team
TBH|FrAnt1C 1
TBH|FrOg 1
[OoE]Picnic 2

Attached File Tank_af_mirror_vs_OoE_3.zip
Size: 20.94k
Size (unzipped): 66.25k
Number of downloads: 346
Player Name Side Team
[OoE]-PheoNiX- 2
TBH|LoCk-On^ 1
TBH|FrOg 1
[OoE]-Knockout 2

"Front Mds Drop And Fast Flamer"

Now this strat isn't very common anymore and is barely used nowadays unlike in patches 1.03 and 1.02 where this strat was standard like the "Front Rax" one is today along with the next strat I'll discuss.

Now, the point of this strategy is also to take the Tank out quickly and out for the rest of the game. But, if this strat is done right it could end the game quicker then the "Front Rax" strat. Ok, the main thing in this strat is the md drop the Af does in front of Tank's front wf. He could drop 3-6 mds there. Keep in mind the lesser mds the faster it would be but could be countered more easly while the more mds the harder it is to counter but it's a bit slower.

I perfer around 4-5 mds. Now, he has to drop them in a nice place so that he could laser lock the first unit that comes out of the wf, while Tank going front wf goes flamer first and flames his wf. Once his wf is flamed and gone there's no way the Tank will be able to come back and start spamming gatts as fast as the other Tank player, Thus equaling ownage.

You could even own the Tank then and there with the mass gatts and the few mds or even the first flamer. NOTE: This strat could be countered in 2 easy ways. The first is having the Af player send a nook which gives enough PDL(Point Defense Laser) to make his first gatt or whatever own the mds thus making the incoming flamer useless. That's why I recommended 4-5 mds because this way you could actually laser lock the gatt that comes out of the wf because that's to many mds for 1 LPD nook to handle and the missles will hit the gatt or even the laser lock the nook and take it down.

Now the second and actually perfect counter to this strat is just having the tank go double back. This means the md drop might own the first gatt or whatever but the flamer has the walk all the way over there in which by that time the Tank would counter those mds and then own the flamer np. Now, here's a quick rep which also shows this strat in action wink.gif.

Attached File 2v2cwaN5.zip
Size: 9.1k
Size (unzipped): 27.76k
Number of downloads: 304
Player Name Side Team
aN.Doomy{0} 1
[PaNiC]PaiSa 4
aN.inCredible^{0} 1
[PaNiC]LoCk-On^ 4

"Md Drop And Firebase Drop"

Now this is the most common strat these days in Af/Tank Mirror because it's very effective and if countered your not all the way owned and if it isn't countered it's very hard to stop. Now there's many different ways of doing this sort of strategy.

The best and most common way is where the Af builds the rax in his base with his 2nd dozer, gets about 3-4 mds and a dozer and first most of time drops the dozer near his primary supplys or secondary supplys(Like on the hill) while then with the mds trying to get his dozers and preventing him from getting a 2nd supply or mess with his trucks on his primary ones. Sometimes he might drop the mds first then build the firebase but that isn't really smart. Other ways are just dropping 3-4 or more mds on the hill or front to try and get his dozer or if his supply is build to get his trucks. This can really slow down a Tank enough for the other Tank player to come in and rape him.

Now the Tank in this strat goes double back. Never 1 front wf and 1 back or else you might be in trouble if your opponents go "Front Rax" and your not going to have no help what so ever and get owned. If you go double back you will be able to counter this by yourself most likely while Af is owning Tanks supplys. So, basically if Tank counters the first rushers while the Af does what he does in this strat you have won the game.

Another way is where the Af goes "Front Rax" like the first strat I discuss but instead after he's done building his rax he then takes that dozer and drops in near his primary supplys and builds a firebase while getting front mds and trying to double Tank. This strat is very hard to counter and if Tank does flamer first from his back wf and flanks it and can own the Tank as well. Now, if your doing this strat the Tank has to go 1 front wf and 1 back wf because the Af will need the gatts in the other Tank's base ASAP to help his mds. Now, here's some reps of what I've mention and the different ways of performing this strat smile.gif.

Attached File Effective_Af.Tank_Mirror_2.zip
Size: 15.39k
Size (unzipped): 48.22k
Number of downloads: 374
Player Name Side Team
[MooN]DusT^ 1
-MaFiA^TuPaC^ 2
-MaFiA^Melooni^ 2
[MooN]AsTro 1

Attached File 2v2cwaN3.zip
Size: 12.39k
Size (unzipped): 38.68k
Number of downloads: 256
Player Name Side Team
aN.Doomy{0} 1
[PaNiC]PaiSa 4
aN.inCredible^{0} 1
[PaNiC]LoCk-On^ 4

Attached File Humbug_melooni_ownage_3_tank_af.zip
Size: 12.37k
Size (unzipped): 39.08k
Number of downloads: 289
Player Name Side Team
[PaNiC]StuNNiNG 1
[PaNiC]PaiSa 1
-MaFiA^Melooni^ 2
-MaFiA^SiZe^ 2

This post has been edited by FrOg: Dec 17 2005, 22:36 PM

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 2StarTrekker Sep 20 2005, 11:18 AM
Thanks very much FrOg! I haven't watched the replays yet, but I will !! w00t.gif

This guide should help me a lot smile.gif

Posts: 27,947

Clan: [BORG]

Game: Red Alert 3

# 3FrOg Sep 20 2005, 19:03 PM
QUOTE(StarTrekker @ Sep 20 2005, 06:18 AM)
Thanks very much FrOg!  I haven't watched the replays yet, but I will !!  w00t.gif

This guide should help me a lot smile.gif

Np dude. That's what I'm here for, to help with team strategys biggrin.gif. Anywayz yea I will also be making a fallen empire guide and more combo guides. banana.gif

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 4Murder Sep 20 2005, 20:41 PM
Go make me a Laser+Tank guide vs dual Toxin guide team strats pro biggrin.gif

This post has been edited by Murder: Sep 20 2005, 20:41 PM

Posts: 8,364

Clan: -FaKe|

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 5FrOg Sep 20 2005, 20:53 PM
QUOTE(-FaKe|Murder @ Sep 20 2005, 03:41 PM)
Go make me a Laser+Tank guide vs dual Toxin guide team strats pro biggrin.gif

Hehe. Well, I could say the best strats to do aganist that biggrin.gif.

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 6Murder Sep 20 2005, 21:50 PM
OK biggrin.gif

Does it involve pro Humvee abuse? Because that's what I specialize in smile.gif

Posts: 8,364

Clan: -FaKe|

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 7FrOg Sep 20 2005, 23:28 PM
Well, If the toxin is facing tank I know exactly what to do as tank vs toxin. I don't go nuke vs tox anymore. I go tank wink.gif. I got countless reps of this... And the laser most likely will ranger drop at start and then humvee abuse biggrin.gif. It's actually very possible to beat dual tox with that combo tbh smile.gif

This post has been edited by FrOg: Sep 21 2005, 02:34 AM

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 8Murder Sep 21 2005, 00:55 AM
/me can't beat Toxin with Tank on FE, or with Nuke wacko.gif

Can you post a bit? biggrin.gif

Posts: 8,364

Clan: -FaKe|

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 9FrOg Sep 21 2005, 01:49 AM
Yea... First I'll make a Fallen Empire guide. Then I'll start back up on the combos and how to beat them thumb.gif.

This post has been edited by FrOg: Sep 21 2005, 06:48 AM

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 10StarTrekker Sep 21 2005, 08:23 AM
I've studied a the first four of the replays now... absolutely amazing! bowdown.gif

I'll be studying the others when I get the chance... or I will just take a day off to study them thumb.gif

Thanks again!

I'm really looking forward to the other matchups too smile.gif And what to do with Tank vs Tox wink.gif

I <expletive removed> love this site!!!

Cheers thumb.gif

Posts: 27,947

Clan: [BORG]

Game: Red Alert 3

# 11Yumi Sep 21 2005, 19:37 PM
QUOTE(-FaKe|Murder @ Sep 20 2005, 09:41 PM)
Go make me a Laser+Tank guide vs dual Toxin guide team strats pro biggrin.gif

Don't go Laser vs Toxin, if a good Toxin player makes it to late game you really can't win wacko.gif VUSA is just as good early game and better late game.

Like Frog said, Tank is actually decent against Toxin early on (Gattspam with a few elite BMs > brute force GLA play as long as you micro to lose a minimum amount of Gatts). Tech Terrs/Tech RPGs can be difficult to deal with though. Also since you start next to their base you can push forward quickly and put pressure on his front supply.

Posts: 15,368

Clan: H2

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 12FrOg Sep 21 2005, 19:43 PM
QUOTE([FBI]Sm34g0l @ Sep 21 2005, 02:37 PM)
Don't go Laser vs Toxin, if a good Toxin player makes it to late game you really can't win wacko.gif VUSA is just as good early game and better late game.

Like Frog said, Tank is actually decent against Toxin early on (Gattspam with a few elite BMs > brute force GLA play as long as you micro to lose a minimum amount of Gatts). Tech Terrs/Tech RPGs can be difficult to deal with though. Also since you start next to their base you can push forward quickly and put pressure on his front supply.

Yea... But it isn't impossible biggrin.gif

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 13FrOg Sep 21 2005, 19:48 PM
QUOTE(StarTrekker @ Sep 21 2005, 03:23 AM)
I've studied a the first four of the replays now... absolutely amazing! bowdown.gif

I'll be studying the others when I get the chance... or I will just take a day off to study them thumb.gif

Thanks again!

I'm really looking forward to the other matchups too smile.gif    And what to do with Tank vs Tox wink.gif

I <expletive removed> love this site!!!

Cheers thumb.gif

HEHE thx man... You don't know how much this means to me biggrin.gif. Makes me feel good about having someone like the site cause of my guides biggrin.gif. But no problem man. Hopefully after this Hurricane Rita passes Houston and doesn't do much damage to my house I could finish them sad.gif.

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 14Murder Sep 21 2005, 20:40 PM
QUOTE([FBI]Sm34g0l @ Sep 21 2005, 03:37 PM)
Don't go Laser vs Toxin, if a good Toxin player makes it to late game you really can't win wacko.gif VUSA is just as good early game and better late game.

I like cheaper Avengers though sad.gif


Posts: 8,364

Clan: -FaKe|

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 15StarTrekker Sep 22 2005, 03:49 AM
QUOTE(FrOg @ Sep 22 2005, 07:18 AM)
HEHE thx man... You don't know how much this means to me biggrin.gif. Makes me feel good about having someone like the site cause of my guides biggrin.gif. But no problem man. Hopefully after this Hurricane Rita passes Houston and doesn't do much damage to my house I could finish them sad.gif.

You're most welcome smile.gif

I sure hope the hurricane does you and your home no damage. sad.gif

You should feel good! Your guides are exactly what I have been looking for with our clan. Top-quality, well documented, replay supported. So good to read and easy to follow. thumb.gif

I am sure our 2v2 games will get better now.

Thanks again thumb.gif

Posts: 27,947

Clan: [BORG]

Game: Red Alert 3

# 16FrOg Sep 22 2005, 04:16 AM
QUOTE(StarTrekker @ Sep 21 2005, 10:49 PM)
You're most welcome smile.gif

I sure hope the hurricane does you and your home no damage.  sad.gif

You should feel good!  Your guides are exactly what I have been looking for with our clan.  Top-quality, well documented, replay supported.  So good to read and easy to follow.  thumb.gif

I am sure our 2v2 games will get better now.

Thanks again thumb.gif

Thx so much man. Yea man np.

Posts: 2,962

Clan: CrAzY

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 17Sharingan Sep 22 2005, 09:19 AM
Thanks for the tips & reps,they are really helpful tongue.gif

Posts: 138

# 18IceBliZz^ Sep 22 2005, 11:19 AM
thanks frog this helps me alot biggrin.gif

Posts: 1,949

Clan: Teh Memberz

Game: Battlefield 2

# 19Doomy Sep 22 2005, 17:46 PM
im so proud being in nearly all those reps biggrin.gif

rofl we really need to do a re again biggrin.gif

Posts: 575

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 20Yumi Sep 22 2005, 19:33 PM
QUOTE(-FaKe|Murder @ Sep 21 2005, 09:40 PM)
I like cheaper Avengers though sad.gif


I like being able to kill Buggies rather than just block them though smile.gif


Posts: 15,368

Clan: H2

Game: CNC Zero Hour


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