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5 things in order to fix league of legends and stop the game from dying

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# 1Irob4 Jul 1 2018, 16:12 PM
1 - Stop changing the so called 'meta'.

First of all lets define what 'meta' actually means, 'meta' means that a group of champs are more broken than others for some period of time, just make every champ viable all the time and let everybody play what they want, let every champ be equally strong and whoever plays better wins, wasn't that the logic behind counters ? For this to work we need every champ in the game to be BALANCED which i don't think they are, but we will get to that too.

2 - Fix the champs we already have and stop making new ones.

In order to balance every champ, we need to rework all the old champs that make no sense whatsoever and stop implementing new ones on top of the broken ones that already exist. This also goes for the items, get to a point where everything is balanced and stop chan... Continue reading here

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