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CNC Zero Hour

Essential Maphack/Disconnect/Mismatch/Armyhack ...

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# 1ToNy-BLaiR May 15 2005, 11:23 AM
******Important, please read the information on offer here, it is in your best interests to fully understand what this topic is about, you only need to read through it once and then just as and when needed******


These are the rules for posting maphack accusation replays. Please follow them, or your accusation will most likely be closed/deleted.

Rules for posting a Maphack Accusation:

Always watch your accusation replay yourself first. Check to see whether what you thought was MH could be explained by something you hadn't noticed. Run tests to check fog ranges, etc. This is to make sure that you don't forget something, like the massive range of a helix, when posting a replay and claiming maphack.

Testing isn't that hard to do either. Go into Skirmish mode, and set up the units of the player you are convicting like they were in the specific moment you want examined. Look at the fog ranges, take screenshots and compare them to screenshots of the replay to see whether a unit was in the fog or not. The reason for tests, is to weed out easily solved maphack accusations. Many times testing by yourself can reveal the answer.

If you are still unsure, post here for the staff to review.
When posting maphack replays, please give details about it. Post about what you think specifically in the replay is maphack, and give enough detail so viewers can see exactly what you mean. Do not post accusations purely on suspicious build orders.

Never start flaming, piss fights, etc in a maphack thread. If you are accusing, present your case in a mature manner. If you are being accused, defend your case in a mature manner. Flaming doesn't help, and just makes you look worse to be honest.
If you attach a poll of any kind, only include these three options: Yes, No, Unsure.

DO NOT post replays to prove your innocence. If someone thinks you maphacked, they will post their own accusation, where you can try to prove your innocence. Don't post counter replays in a maphack accusation thread either.

Finally, try not to make off topic posts that gear the topic discussion away from the maphack accusation.

There are also rules for posting replays with bugs. Please do not ACTUALLY post replays of bugs, for obvious reasons. Post what the bug was, who was in the game, and a screenshot of the bug if possible. If the bug has been unheard of before, STILL follow these rules, and then if requested by a staff member, THEN post the replay.

Policies concerning Maphack Convictions:

Only if a unit has locked on to another unit clearly under fog, with no explanation, will it be considered definate Maphack.

Unless there is concrete proof, members will not be banned. We give members the benefit of the doubt, unless absolutely 100% guilty.

If someone is convicted of Maphack, they will be suspended for 4 weeks, as per the site rules, found here. If they are convicted of another offense, they will be permanently banned.

If you have any questions regarding MH accusations, feel free to ask a staff member.


Note: All accusations are being recorded to help protect members from being accused when they have done no wrong, accusing someone of maphack (or cheating in general) is a big issue and can affect thier reputation when it is not needed, continued accusing where the accuser has not watched the replay himself and done some basic tests could result in warnings being issued

This is why I have created this topic (again tongue.gif ) to help you understand what is suspicious and what is not, also for you to determine how doing some besaic tests in a skirmish could save everyone a valuable amount of time and hassle smile.gif

Basic Overview:

Many of the replays posted in this section have been found to be false accusations ie: No solid evidence for maphacking, now we all know people can get lucky but at the same time we also know that this program exsists, so we begin to arouse suspicion. Here are a few notes that you should remember when deciding whether to post the replay and make your accusation known or not:

The FOG of WAR

In the game of Generals and Zero Hour the "Fog of War" or Shroud as it is formally known, covers all area's of the map that has not been uncovered by your own units, this Shroud will peel back if your units leave the area, or are destroyed. Basically it takes around 5 seconds for the Fog of War to totally regenerate and it can then still take a further 2-3 seconds before you cannot see or target anything ie: Enemy units, underneath it.

A possible scenario for this would be: You send a BM (Battle Master), to your enemy's base, only for it to be destroyed by thier helix, you go back to your base area and click on your gat tank and then proceed to scroll over to where the helix was last before it destroyed your BM, if the helix is still there it would still be visable AND targetable for a few seconds after the fog has regenerated.

So if the tides are turned and you are the one with the helix that destroys the BM (Or any other unit) in your base and you then find that a gat tank has come all the way from your opponants base which has been locked onto your helix all the way then that would be the reason why.

Ofcourse if more than say 10 seconds have passed, the chances are he would have locked on under fog illegally ie: With the aid of another program (Maphack), it is for this reason I have posted this so that you all know that the Fog of War does take several seconds before being totally regenerated!


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It should also be made aware that the fog of war on a unit that is moving will make it so the area behind the moving unit will be uncovered for a longer period of time, as the fog takes a few seconds before it starts "rolling" back on itself, this means that if a tech for example was moving up the right flank on TD (Tournament Desert), the player in control of that tech would see the battlefield for a longer period of time behind it and as such may be able to intercept/lock on to any units that stray into that area. This is another thing to watch out for when dealing with possible lock on's under fog!


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Some pionter's regarding Building's and thier placement:

#When a building is under construction it will form a scaffold as it is being built, if this scaffold gets uncovered one way or another, either from the use of Scans or units, once the fog has regenerated back over the building it will still appear as if it is still under construction, but once it is revealed again the whole structure is infact visable!

So if you are building a CC (Construction Centre) and the other player manages to uncover the scaffold, he will still see it as a scaffold under the fog until he then reveals it, he may then use some of his general abilities such as a Nuke bomber and artillary on that structure or send some units to destroy it.

#Once a building has been uncovered it will be visable under the fog of war until you destroy it, if he sells the building it will still be visable, but when you uncover that spot, it will no longer be there!

#It does not matter how much of the building has been uncovered, even if the corner of it has been revealed the ENTIRE structure will be visable under fog.


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#On certain area's of the maps (Mainly inclines), the other player will be able to see deformations in the surface of the battlefield, this will give him an indication that a building is there and he may send his units to that spot without actually knowing a building is indeed there!

So if you build a Prop centre on TD near the supplies, the chances are it will make this indention in the ground, which is visable under the Fog of War, so if you are then subjected to a TT rush (Tech with Terrorists) and he goes to that exact spot without him uncovering it, this could be the reason why!


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Locking on under fog:

The main way to convict someone of using a maphack program is locking on units under the Fog of War, by this I mean the maphacker selecting one of his units to attack one of yours that is currently under the fog of war. This is 100% proof of maphack. In some circumstances it can be quite dubious to actually see/prove whether or not he locked onto the/a unit under fog, however if you are suspicious save the replay and then watch it.

Unfortunately, these days players tend not to lock on under fog......or atleast not make it this obvious! tongue.gif


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Example of force-firing on stealthed Unit (Lotus):

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In most cases, force firing on a stealthed unit is 100% Maphack, there are certain situations whereby this may not be the case, for example:

-Your stealthed Unit (Lotus, Burton, Jarmen) was detected a few seconds prior to the force fire

-Your stealthed unit revealed a stealthed unit of your opponant (Such as mines) in this case the player will get a message like "Stealth unit uncovered", he will then know something is in the vacinity.

*REMEMBER* All stealth units are visable for a split second when they are built, and coming out of tunnels/vehicles

Make sure:

#There are NO spy drones around (If playing a USA side)

Example of View Range:

Attached Image

#No Spy Satelitte has been activated (If playing a USA side) indicated by a "swoosh" sounnd with player activated.

Example of view range:

Attached Image

#If playing against the INF general, he has the Frenzy ability available to him from the start, when activated this will reveal the surrounding area much like that of the USA's Spy Satellite and make a cheer like sound.


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#There are NO strategy centre's, internet centre's,(With Radar Upgrade) Radar Van's with scan, if your opponant has ANY of these the chances are he would have used the appropriate ability that comes with those buildings/Units and was then able to lock onto your unit ie: Strat centre reveal, Internet centre Hack 1 or 2 (see all enemy units) and the Radar Van's Scan.

#There are no stealthed units in the vacinity ie: Black Lotus, Jarmen Kell, Colonel Burton, or indeed an LO (Listening Outpost) that has come to rest! Also take note when you are playing the Stealth General, he has many units and buildings that appear Stealthed and as such you may not notice them until you watch the replay, this could be how he knew your Unit/Building was there, or how he managed to intercept some of your units ect.

#The use of generals abilities will uncover some of the surrounding area, A-10's and the Spectre among others will uncover the Fog of War as soon as they are visable on the map, whereas a Nuke Bomber ect, will only reveal the area where it was ordered to Bomb, but its worth noting that the view range of the Nuke Bomber will increase slightly and when it comes to drop its load, the bombs themselves have a view range which will reveal the map until the bomber stops dropping them!

Example of Nuke Bomber Target View:

Attached Image

Example of Nuke Bomber View When Dropping its bombs:

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Example of EMP View Range:

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USA's A-10 and Spectre will reveal the map upon entering it, they also have a target view, but the spectres is larger.

Example of A-10 enroute to target:

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Example of spectre en route to target:

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Example of Spectre firing on target:

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Example of Strategy Centre Bomber(Air General):

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If you are certain there are none of the above that were present in your replay, or near the unit which was targeted, you will then need to find out whether or not he could not have seen that unit when he ordered it to lock on.

You can easily spot most units that have locked on to another by looking at thier main attack weapon, if we take the example of the BM (Battle Master), simply select the player's icon next to thier name in the replay, you should see thier name has enlarged and that thier stats for the game are visable.

Now you can see which unit's he is selecting by either pressing and holding CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T, or simply scrolling over to the unit in which he has used to lock on with and look out for a white flash on the unit. This is an indication of an order, or that he has selected the unit. Basically, if he sends a BM to the left flank on TD (Tournament Desert) and leaves it there for a while until you have a unit coming down that flank, the first initial "flash" will be him selecting that unit, the second may be him either ordering the BM to move OR to attack your unit.

If the turret on that BM moves in anyway other than facing directly forward in it's original position, this is an indication that it has locked onto a unit, you can then track the BM and see if it completes the order by attacking your Unit, just make sure there are no more "Flashes" on the unit, if there are more it could mean he gave the order to attack when it was in range, but you should be able to tell if it has already locked on prior to this as defined above. If no more orders are given to the unit (no more flashes), then try and visualise the range of the BM.

Example of Test BM shot and the turret during normal mode and Lock on mode:

Attached Image

Recent Additions:

# When you sniper or use a Neutron Shell on an OL which has a Gat turret upgrade OR a Speaker Tower upgrade, once this is then captured by you the original owner of the OL will be able to see that OL through the fog of war! Its an obvious bug but I think it's worth mentioning! (Basically the gat turret/Speaker upgrade will still be the original owners "property")

Example of Sniped OL's with upgrade towers under fog:

Attached Image

# Stealthed units will be visible for a BRIEF second when "created". By this I mean when mines are placed you can see them momentarily, when any stealthed unit exits a tunnel or a barracks it's visible for a moment, you can even see a spy drone being placed if your camera is in just the right spot.
I may add more to this list if I feel it is needed (or if I forgot something )

# Also remember that rocket soldiers have huge sight ranges, always watch the replay carefully to make sure that rocket soldiers were not in the area or included in a group of units where a BM or gatt or a quad locked onto something under the fog.

Accusing in game:

This is not acceptable, you are not in any position to correctly judge a certain move they have done ingame as you do not know if they had units that saw your unit/building or if they used Scans/Spy Drones/Gen Abilities, so to put simply DO NOT ACCUSE IN GAME!! Chances are, you'll just make yourself look bad!

What you shouldn't do:

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What is acceptable:

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BTW: Incase you cant see that clearly he said "Mind Taking SS?" Which you shouldn't mind if you know your playing fair, but be aware.....the player is under no obligation to post a screenshot, or even take a screenshot upon your request, but it would make them look suspicious if they didn't want to comply!


-You've just played a game where you saw something strange/suspicious *Remember, no ingame accusing please!*

-Save the replay, make a note of when and where the suspicious incident took place

-Watch the replay, look at the specific incident that you found suspicious, try and expell any of the things mentioned in this topic like Spy Drones/ Scans / Gen Abilities revealing area and look for stealthed units that you would not have seen ingame

-If there is absolutely nothing near your building/Unit that got attacked under fog (When the other player had no idea it was there) start the replay over again and do a final check incase you missed anything

-Take a couple of screenshots (F12) of the lockon and make a skirmish game

-Make the nearest unit to your unit which was locked on and place it as close as possible to the actual game position at the moment of lock on, if there is noway he could have seen it then post here for a review by myself!

Now, there are certain things in this game that occur that are not suspicous, or at least not enough to directly link with a maphack case

Some of them are:

-You're playing as GLA and are finding your opponant (A China Army) is sending supply trucks out to squish your workers on flank (On TD [Tournament Desert], or on most other maps near oil), but how did he know they were there!? Well put simply, all china players (Or atleast the decent ones tongue.gif ) will send supply trucks and sometimes their dozers to kill your workers before they build tunnels on the flank/near their base, this is a normal tactic and therefore is not suspicous (Unless of-course he is sending trucks out in the middle of a game to squash a worker he would not have known was there or indeed if he only gives one order to the supply truck/dozer and it manages to run your worker over perfectly when he would not have known it was there)

-You're playing a Nuke V Nuke and your opponant has gone helix, he seems to be intercepting every BM you send down flank at start, again this is not suspicious. If we can presume you have gone dual WF and are spamming early BM's to try and kill his dozers/supply trucks then it is normal for him to check the flanks for BM's, at the start he will move to one flank and then the other and he might then go to the other one again!!

This is not suspicious as its in the helix players best interests to stop any flanking BM's from getting into his base, obviously if he is intercepting BM's or other units on flank mid-game when he would not have had any idea they were there, THEN become suspicious and view the replay as per the guidelines set out in this topic.

This list will be updated as and when needed, I will try and include some examples of poor accusations where no attempt to review (or even watch) the replay took place, if you have any suggestions/tips to add to this list please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or MSN ([email protected])

Thank you

Happy posting!


This post has been edited by KairiN: Aug 14 2010, 15:48 PM

Posts: 2,595

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 2HappyFeelings May 15 2005, 19:30 PM
This here is a guide showing the Fog of War (shroud) reveal range of every unit in the game. All of the reveal ranges are in the upper right corner of the pictures, and it will be noted by each picture which units this range applies to. It is essential to know what your enemy can see before you claim they cannot see it. So please, take a moment to read this, view the pictures, and view your replay accordingly.
Special thanks to Lateralus for helpful advice on making this. smile.gif

This range applies to:
  • GLA Building Holes.
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • USA Battle Drone
  • GLA Angry Mob Individual (each member of the angry mob has this range)
  • GLA Demo Trap
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Airfield
  • Barracks
  • Dozer
  • Particle Cannon
  • Power Plant
  • Supply Center
  • Supply Drop Zone
  • Tomahawk
  • War Factory
  • Arms Dealer
  • Barracks
  • Battle Bus
  • Black Market
  • Bomb Truck
  • Hijacker
  • Sabateur
  • Scud Storm
  • Supply Stash
  • Terrorist
  • Toxin Tractor
  • Tunnel Network
  • Toxin Tunnel Network
  • Airfield
  • Barracks
  • Bunker
  • Dragon Tank
  • Emperor
  • Internet Center
  • Mini Gunner
  • Nuclear Missile
  • Nuke Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Power Plant
  • Propaganda Center
  • Red Guard
  • Supply Center
  • War Factory
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Dozer (S&D)
  • Tomahawk (S&D)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Spy Drone (the vehicle variety, there is no way to isolate it, so I shrunk another shroud image to match what this would be. To view this properly, pretend the black bar is part of the radar)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Avenger
  • Command Center
  • Crusader
  • Laser Crusader
  • Microwave Tank
  • Paladin
  • Pilot
  • Stealth Fighter
  • Combat Cycle (all types)
  • Command Center
  • Marauder
  • Palace
  • Quad Cannon
  • Rebel
  • Rocket Buggy
  • Scorpion
  • Scud Launcher
  • Technical
  • Toxin Rebel
  • Battle Master
  • Command Center
  • Dozer
  • Hacker
  • Inferno Cannon
  • Mig
  • Nuke Battle Master
  • Nuke Mig
  • Supply Truck
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Avenger (S&D)
  • Crusader (S&D)
  • Laser Crusader (S&D)
  • Microwave Tank (S&D)
  • Paladin (S&D)
  • Pilot (S&D)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Humvee
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Humvee (S&D)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Sentry Drone (the one built from the war factory)
  • Nuke Launcher
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Firebase
  • Patriot (all types)
  • ECM Tank
  • Gattling Cannon
  • Gattling Tank
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Ambulance
  • King Raptor
  • Missile Defender
  • Pathfinder
  • Ranger
  • Raptor
  • Strategy Center
  • Jarmen Kell
  • Stinger Site
  • Assault Troop Crawler
  • Black Lotus
  • Tank Hunter
  • Troop Crawler
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Ambulance (S&D)
  • Missile Defender (S&D)
  • Pathfinder (S&D)
  • Raptor (S&D)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Col. Burton
  • Hellfire Drone
  • Radar Van
  • Assault Listening Outpost
  • Listening Outpost
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Col. Burton (S&D)
user posted image

This range applies to:
  • Alpha Aurora
  • Aurora
  • Chinook
  • Combat Chinook
  • Commanche
  • Helix
user posted image

Additional shroud ranges------------------
A-10, on route and reaching target.
user posted image
user posted image

Anthrax bomb.
user posted image

Carpet Bomb, all sides, on route and reaching target (note that each bomb has its own shroud range, so the final reveal depends on how the bombs drop and how the plane curves.)
user posted image
user posted image

user posted image

Spectre, on route and reaching target.
user posted image
user posted image

And last but not least, the strategy center itself on S&D.
user posted image

This post has been edited by HappyFeelings: May 15 2005, 19:32 PM

Posts: 1,351

Clan: CrAzY

# 3Fr1est May 13 2006, 21:54 PM
******Important, please read the information on offer here, it is in your best interests to fully understand what this post is about, you only need to read through it once and then just as and when needed******


There are rules for posting disconnect/mismatch accusations. These are the rules for posting disconnect/mismatch accusation replays. Please follow them, or your accusation will most likely be closed/deleted.

Rules for posting a Disconnect/Mismatch Accusation:

Always watch your accusation replay yourself first. To accuse someone as an intentional disconnector or mismatcher, you must have taken screenshots of the accused player saying he will disconnect/mismatch or similar, then the actual Disconnection Menu or Mismatch menu.

Useful tips for taking screenshots of the player:

When you are in the middle of a game and when any player comments something that might mean he/she will disconnect or mismatch, immediately take a screenshot. Take another screenshot for every comment the player makes similar to stating a disconnect or mismatch.

Here are some examples that the player can say to sufficiently know he/she made an intentional disconnect or mismatch:

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Other Examples that can sufficiently know they disconnected/mismatched:



you know what people like you get when winning?

(disconnects or mismatches)

After taking screenshots of the player saying something similar to my examples, take the screenshot of the Disconnection Menu, or the Mismatch Menu. This will show the player actually disconnected or mismatched the game. If you are taking a screenshot of a Disconnection Menu, then if possible, take another screenshot of the last remaining seconds of countdown the player has left.

The more screenshots of the person saying random stuff, the more evidence there is to be enough for the conviction of Intentional Disconnect or Intentional Mismatch.

Now back to the rules:

Create a topic. Accuse the player as the intentional disconnector or intentional mismatch. Your accusation of the player must include the screenshots you've taken of the player. Also include the replay, so we can know the replay of the screenshots actually exists and take the UID of the player to add to the Intentional Disconnectors List.

There should be a Maphack Replay Reviewer (such as DeuX, PyRo^ or ToNy-BLair) to check the replay and screenshots from your topic. They will review their opinion about the action the player made, then they will call any of these verdicts:

[Intentional Disconnect] - The player will be added to the Intentional Disconnect List including his/her UID. The name will guide you to the topic of how he's qualified to the list.

[Intentional Mismatch] - The player will be added to the Intentional Mismatch List including his/her UID. The name will guide you to the topic of how he's qualified to the list.

[Insufficient Evidence] - The accusation does not have enough evidence prooving the player intentionally disconnected/mismatched.

[Not an Accusation] - Referring to something else than an accusation of a player maphacking/disconnecting/mismatching. The accuser with a topic having this verdict will have a chance of a warn for not following the rules and guides of this forum.

However, since there are not specific judged details for each comment the player makes, then the judgement will depend on the Maphack Replay Reviewer to think about it and shares his/her opinion.

Here is a useful checklist for you to see if you have everything you need to accuse a player:

- The topic

- The accusation

- The replay

- The screenshots (at least two are needed to fully convict someone)

This list will be updated as and when needed, I will try and include some examples of poor accusations where no attempt to review (or even watch) the replay took place, if you have any suggestions/tips to add to this list please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or E-Mail. ([email protected])

Happy posting!

DeuX smile.gif

P.S. : Thanks to egc.vm|taal for helping me on making the screenshots. wink.gif

Posts: 4,478

Game: Soulstorm

# 4Fr1est Jun 30 2006, 02:04 AM
******Important, please read the information on offer here, it is in your best interests to fully understand what this post is about, you only need to read through it once and then just as and when needed******


There are rules for posting armyhack accusations. These are the rules for posting armyhack accusation replays. Please follow them, or your accusation will most likely be closed/deleted.

Rules for posting armyhack accusations:

First I want to point out that this type of accusation is A LOT harder to proove than any other accusation here, so it's not easy and don't think it's as easy to show evidence as posting screenshots of someone flaming. Always watch and check for the accusation first. This can be done by opening the replay on RepInfo(http://repinfo.dermichi.com/index.php for the link to the program) or with the Replay Manager. You might also find yourself to be hacked to a ridiculous army to be, so check on either of these programs by opening your replay on them and check if you've been armyhacked to a different army than you were actually random compared to everyone else. Wow, you might find yourself armyhacked, but how would you proove that......... ? I will show here some useful tips that I do to proove this.

Some useful tips:

Once you are playing Zero Hour and you are staging in a game, your right on time to proove armyhack, only if they do it... If you feel your opponent(s) are suspicious, take a video with a program such as Fraps (http://www.fraps.com/ for the link to Fraps) or some other program like GameCam once people are already clicking on the Accept button and the host will press the Start Game button; keep taking the video and make it see that Zero Hour is "Establishing Connection Paths", also make the recording record the "Loading Screen", then at last make the recording record the first 5-10 seconds of the game where it can see your screen for the result (This is to show you aren't maphacking as well as armyhacking yourself, also shows you don't maphack as well wink.gif ). Now you can stop the recording of the video. Keep playing the game of course, like if you are going to play a good game smile.gif Finish the game, then check on a program like RepInfo to see if you've been armyhacked to another army than what the video shows. You find it having a different army? Good for you! You have the evidence! Only one problem, how do you upload it all?

People have many different ways of uploading random videos to the internet, but sometimes, there's a limit of memory space of uploading videos. You may find your video taking up more space than your video uploader can limit to, don't worry, I have here posted a way to shrink that memory big time!

This is a way that I use and know of. You are to use a video maker program such as Windows Movie Maker that are installed already on some computers. What you do is this:

1. Open Windows Movie Maker.

2. Click on File and click on "Import into Collections" Located on the SS shown below.

Attached Image

3. Click on the video that you took, then click on the "Import" button as shown on the SS below.

Attached Image

4. Drag the video to the "Timeline" as shown on the SS below.

Attached Image

5. Click on File and click on "Save Movie File" as shown on the SS below.

Attached Image

6. Click on "My computer" then click "Next >".

7. Enter what you want to call your video on the box with the text above saying "Enter a file name for your saved movie" then choose where you want to save your video; then click "Next >"

8. Now you know that you're doing this because you want to reduce the memory size of your video right? Well click on "More choices..." and you will see more choices below the text that you just clicked on. Click on the bubble choice saying "Best fit to file size", then you will have to mess with the size with the options they show you until the video is below the maximum space your video uploader will accept. Now click "Next >"

9. Be patient to wait for the video to be made, it takes awile.

10. Now your video is made. Use that video to proove part of your evidence for armyhack.

However, you probably don't know a video uploader website; you may use Putfile (http://www.putfile.com/ is the link to upload your videos) I'm pretty sure there are other video uploaders out there, so you may use those as well smile.gif

Back to the rules:

You must create a topic and accuse someone as armyhack, then post the replay and the link to play your video. A Maphack Reviewer (such as ToNy-BLaiR, PyRo^, Murder or DeuX) will check your accusation and review their opinion, then call any of these verdicts:

[No Armyhack] - This verdict means the player won't be convicted due to lack of evidence showing he armyhacked. If topic is poor enough, you may get a warning for not following the rules and guides to this forum.

[100% Armyhack] - This verdict means the accuser succeeded in prooving that the player armyhacked with 100% evidence. This player will be added to the Maphack List with his/her name directly linked to the topic of how he's/she's qualified to the list.

[Not an Accusation] - This verdict means the accuser made a topic not accusing anyone of maphack/disconnect/mismatch/armyhack. The accuser with his/her topic with this verdict is more likely to have a warning for not following the rules and guidelines to this forum.

Anyone that armyhacks is also a maphacker, because the program to have the ability of armyhacking also has a maphack program stuck with it. Since the accusation of armyhack is so hard to proove, there must be a video to proove that instead of screenshots. Screenshots only as evidence prooving armyhacking is so easy to fraud with so many ways, so videos are necessary for this specific type of accusation. Sorry for your inconvenience. Rarely, only screenshots are necessary to convict someone of armyhack of the armyhacker is stupid enough to say so and as well as armyhacked to an army other than any of the Zero Hour armies (such as BossGens, Citizens, etc.) I also want to point out it's still hard to convict someone of armyhack with videos as well if the matchup consists of more than 2 players in it (including you). This is because someone on your team might of armyhacked you for the heck of it, so usually doing this procedure I point out in this post will help convict people for 1v1's. Convicting people on 2v2 requires several replays of different people armyhacked, as well as videos with those, but it will still be hard, so don't be too sure.

Because of this post, there shouldn't be any excuse of argument to any MHRR (such as, "OMG WTFCLOUDS, HE ARMYHACKED 100 PEOPLE! ARE YOU STUPID ITS SO OBVIOUS!!! ...'PECANROFL' LOLLERCOASTER LMAONAISE YOU ARE BIASED IN THE MIND OR SOMETHING ...'PECANROFL' LOLLERCOASTER LMAONAISE ROFLCOPTER" etc. etc. of the flaming and laughing spree") We MHRRs don't accept this level of attitude from now on, period.

This list will be updated as and when needed, I will try and include some examples of poor accusations where no attempt to review (or even watch) the replay took place, if you have any suggestions/tips to add to this list please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or E-Mail. ([email protected])

Happy posting!

DeuX smile.gif


P.S. "PecanROFL" is a made up laughing spree expression made up by me, don't believe so? Search on Google. You want to post it on the internet such as making lots of crap pics and stuff about it? Let them know it's made by me. According to Google, PecanROFL is not a varient to ROFL so I made this one up. Please don't take it and say it's made by you, thank you. smile.gif

This post has been edited by DeuX™: Oct 7 2006, 20:10 PM

Posts: 4,478

Game: Soulstorm

# 5TrAiN^WrEcK Jan 27 2007, 00:57 AM
Regarding Aircraft Lock-Ons ( MiGs + Raptors )

Both have similar .ini if not the same, which makes analyzing them for MH a bit harder due to the fact they will lock-on in guard mode, but we have a few trick/tips here to help you analyze if it was guard mode or not.

The easiest way to tell is...

Did the AirCraft take off for a second run without another command?

That would mean guard mode and therefore No Maphack in that instance

Of course there are a few other ways to tell.

Did the aircraft go after one target, or attack multiple targets, or go after the (USA) unit drones?

Attached Image
Attached Image

When reviewing a replay for maphack (for yourself) just look for

-Multiple Units being attacked.
-If the (USA) unit drones were shot or not.
-Did the aircraft attack, quickly reload and take off without another order.

This is the simplest and easiest way you can sort maphack from no maphack, by yourself.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day.

If you want a more clearer picture of legal lock-ons a replay is included all planes in that replay were on guard mode, aircraft movements are shown well in this replay.

Attached File AirUnits_characteristics.rep
Size: 23.62k
Number of downloads: 239
Player Name Side Team
~X~IrAqI.{0}* 0
~X~Simba{0} 0

This post has been edited by PyRo^: Jan 27 2007, 10:20 AM

Posts: 1,953

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 6xezon Oct 23 2007, 21:15 PM
Hi, if my post doesn't fit here, please delete.

I want to inform anyone to be aware that Controlhack is working without any TAG infront of the players name by now.
The most popular controlhack TAGs were/are easily visible by [CH] and [GGX] infront of the selected player.
If atleast one player had/has one of these tags, everyone can controlhack in the game with a specific hack.

However, some hacker(s) managed to remove the requirement of a TAG for an existing hack or created a new one. I won't go any further in detail for everybody's safety.

A Controlhack can do atleast the following:
a) using&placing all your Gen Points, such as Bomber, Sneak Attack, etc.
b) placing waypoints for all your factories
c) building units in your factories

In the current state it is not possible to convict a player, if he uses controlhack in your game. Why? Because you cannot proof that the enemy actually used your Gen Points or build these units for you. This could simply lead to wrong accusations, where players throw their own Gen Points on their base to convict someone else.

Attached is an example, how it can look like when controlhack is used. As you can see all Gen Points are used on the teams own base on same spots. As soon as one Headquarter goes up for example, all Gen Points will be used immediatly and automatically. It can also happen that all your money will be used by controlhack to build dozers/workers in HQs.

As a side note ".nFc.egypt_fahd" joined observer when he gave up.

Attached File(s)
Attached File controlhack.rep
Size: 372.48k
Number of downloads: 263
Player Name Side Team
-Sa|2iN^ 1
^Sere^Fourse 1
.nFc.egypt_fahd{0} 1
MrX{0} 2
xezon* 2
skynet 2

Posts: 25,066


Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 7Samus Aran Jan 4 2008, 17:34 PM
Team Speak in Maphack Convictions

Team Speak is a communication software that allows players to speak to each other while playing. People have been known to abuse it to gain unfair advantage in battles. This new rule should put a fix to this problem:

Players may use TS whenever they want as often as they want. If they choose to present themselves as map hackers by force firing on stealth units (and buildings without indication of their presence), they will be convicted and put on the hall of shame with a 100% Maphack tag. Lets say for an example that a player force fires on a stealth Burton that he/she otherwise shouldn't have known was there; it would considered an unfair advantage over the opposing team.

I am not saying that you can't use TS, I am saying don't abuse it or you will be punished!!!

Note that this does not just apply to Teamspeak, but all communication software.

This post has been edited by Flamzypants: Mar 31 2009, 18:56 PM

Posts: 3,893

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 8-HaTeR- Sep 23 2008, 22:56 PM

If anyone is caught trying to frame someone for cheating, the punishment will be harsh and irrevocable.
Permanent ban from Gamereplays.org with no chance ever getting back will be the result.

Posts: 25,223

Clan: Brothers of War

Game: CNC Generals


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