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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

[HR] recruiting: you want to join us?!

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# 1DarthAMOR Nov 7 2009, 21:26 PM
Welcome players to HellRaiser forums
KingSpillBlood and myself founded this clan 1.july 2007 (i think) and managed quit a time to be in the top ten clans of bfme2. Activity lamed a lot the last year and now we will be looking for new members to grow again.

what games are we playing?

>We are supposed to be a multigaming clan mostly playing RTS games such as: BfME2/ C&C3 / ZH/ RedAlert3 / C&C4 (not out jet) / Starcraft2 (not out jet)..
But from time to time we are playing games like Diablo 3 (not out jet) / Hellgate London (servers down since1.january 2009 cry.gif frusty.gif VeryFunny.gif .. and so on..

You got what it takes to be a HellRaiser?

>1. you should agree with our clan rules/policy
you find them in our forum but here is a shortcut:

1. No Dodging anybody!
2. No Flaming
3. Be active
4. Be respectful to other members and opponents

>2. Your character should fit to our clan policy and image

1. no stupid racists!!!
3. No NoObs > you should at least be an average rts gamer with some skills in micro and macro
2. you should be 16+ years old becuz we dont want childish members ruin our image and will be talkin about adult stuff in chatrooms and privateforums
3.You should be playing your favorite game at least 10 hours a week

If you are still interested in joining us please post your profile in here and give us a lil information about you:

1. How old are you
2. Where are you from (timezone)
3. What are your favorite games
4. How much do you play
5. Why you want to join [HR]

atm we dont have a temaspeak server thats why we keep in touch over xfire. if you dont have xfire now you should get it.

My xfire: [HR]DarthAMOR
KSB xfire: majortom6158

Thanks for your interest

u0udiablo.gif Am(o)R u0udiablo.gif

Posts: 193

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06


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