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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

For Deth

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# 1coopie Jan 25 2010, 17:21 PM
this is for deth when he gets back from egypt

coopie: rofl
coopie: man
coopie: favre chokes again
<Calling desktipper>
desktipper: no
desktipper: yes
desktipper: omg
coopie: i was rly pullin for him
<Call cancelled>
coopie: im on vikings.com watching the press conference lol
desktipper: i was going for them too
desktipper: sad.gif
coopie: i could not believe he threw that int
coopie: u there?
desktipper: yes
desktipper: and it was gay
coopie: watch this vid
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw4zuOjVxQw&NR=1
coopie: from
coopie: 1:47 on
coopie: actually 147 to
coopie: 159
coopie: watch it based on this comment
coopie: it looks like shannon brown is getting but raped in between kobe and the whole bench. look at how hard he is screaming
coopie: shannon brown is the guy in the middle
coopie: i laughed hard at this lol
coopie: it honestly looks like hes taking one up the ass
coopie: btw
desktipper: hmm
coopie: did u watch it lol?
coopie: and see how intense his scream was?
desktipper: watching
coopie: i have laughed out lud each time ive watched
coopie: what i love about youtube
coopie: ppl notice this shit
desktipper: lol yeah
desktipper: LOL!@
coopie: u see it now?
desktipper: haha
desktipper: LOL
coopie: told you
desktipper: omg that was wrong
desktipper: then odom gets pissed and pushing
coopie: i am 100% confident josh powell (guy behind him) snuck one in the ass there
desktipper: lol
desktipper: like he thought the guy went under him on purpose
desktipper: haha
coopie: lol
coopie: i mean keep watching it
coopie: u have to seriously consider this
coopie: lol
coopie: if only deth were not in egypt
desktipper: lol
coopie: kk now i have anothe funny thing to show u
coopie: did u hear
coopie: princes song for the vikes?
desktipper: no
desktipper: ?
desktipper: no
coopie: one sec then
coopie: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/21/p...o_n_432433.html
coopie: possibly the gayest song ever made for a sports team
coopie: u gotta scroll down
coopie: now after listening to that
coopie: read this
coopie: by one of my fav writers
desktipper: omg
coopie: bill simmons
desktipper: really gay
desktipper: lol
coopie: At this point, I was super-intrigued. The "Pants on the Ground" guy teaming up with Prince? The Vikings were suddenly unstoppable! This was bigger than all of us! I was ready to pick them for the upset ... and then ... well ... I heard the song <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/21/prince-vikings-song-audio_n_432433.html>. Are you kidding me? He could have changed the lyrics of "Darling Nikki" to "Darling Sidney" and it would have gotten the Vikes more fired up than "Purple and Gold." Quite simply, it's the worst sports song ever made by someone who actually has talent. Even worse, now he's stolen the "Pants on the Ground" guy's thunder and sent the Vikes back to square one, karmically. Not since "Under the Cherry Moon" has Prince been responsible for something this indefensible. I can't believe it. A feel-good Vikings season may have been derailed by a guy who's 5-foot-1 and probably can't throw a football 8 yards. You couldn't make this stuff up.
coopie: pro no?
desktipper: i went to vikings vs cowboys game btw
desktipper: idk if u knew
coopie: i know
coopie: llol
desktipper: k
coopie: u told me
coopie: u read that paragraph tho?
coopie: his prediction came true
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol!
desktipper: he got owned
desktipper: prince did
desktipper: lolol
coopie: ik
desktipper: that guy was so right too biggrin.gif
coopie: one of the reasons i enjoy readins his stuff so much
coopie: I can't believe it. A feel-good Vikings season may have been derailed by a guy who's 5-foot-1 and probably can't throw a football 8 yards. You couldn't make this stuff up.
coopie: pro ass prediction
coopie: kk now ima watch shannon brown get raped again
desktipper: yesss
coopie: the intensity of his scream
coopie: is so epic
coopie: he loks like
coopie: hes sinking his teeth into kobes arm
coopie: those lakers are kinky
coopie: but u like how lamar got teabagged
coopie: he toomk a dick to the face
desktipper: lol yeah
coopie: but in secret
coopie: he enjoyed it
desktipper: uh huh
desktipper: oneal didn't like it tho tbh
desktipper: he got mad and pushed
coopie: ya
coopie: its why lamar is married to khloe kardashian, whos is rumored to be a man
desktipper: u don't say
coopie: googler her
coopie: shes a beast
<This user is now playing Battle for Middle-earth II>
desktipper: naw, i'll bing her instead
desktipper: only because bing is funner to say
coopie: lol
desktipper: pretty sure she's not a man
coopie: ik but
coopie: shes lost wieght
coopie: doesnt she look kinda manly tho?
coopie: and com;pare her to
coopie: her sisters
coopie: kim and kourtney
coopie: world of difference
coopie: makes u wonder...
coopie: u see
coopie: my pro post
coopie: on kos
coopie: alot of man love there
desktipper: ohmy.gif
coopie: u see it?
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jP6oK_eAwc&feature=sub
coopie: lol
coopie: obama parodies
coopie: the best
coopie: u ig nub?
<Calling desktipper>
<Call cancelled>
desktipper: !
desktipper: bi
coopie: bi?
desktipper: lol
desktipper: u r
coopie: sad.gif
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jP6oK_eAwc&feature=sub
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jP6oK_eAwc&feature=sub
desktipper: watching now
coopie: omfg
desktipper: LOL!
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljua1P7M9DU...feature=related
desktipper: obama
coopie: she so hot
desktipper: this is epic
coopie: ik
coopie: i am epic pro at finding epic vids
desktipper: lol
coopie: epic win for him tbh
coopie: ffs shes hot
coopie: its the same girl
coopie: whos deths new sig
coopie: 100% fact he had a boner throughout this video shoot
coopie: but his ED prevented it from showing
desktipper: and the fact that he has no dick
coopie: lol
coopie: u watchin second one?
desktipper: yes
coopie: i mean
coopie: did u see her churn that fucking butter
coopie: wink.gif
desktipper: tbh
desktipper: i find her singing... annoying
coopie: well no shit
coopie: not the point
desktipper: lol
coopie: a girl that looks like that can sing like oscar the grouch i dont give a shit
desktipper: the song is fail too lol
coopie: watch the old
coopie: grinding her up
coopie: epic win for him
coopie: he just keeps nodding
coopie: like fuck ya bitches
desktipper: lol
desktipper: the first vid is pro
desktipper: tbh
coopie: old guy grinding pro as well tbh
coopie: tbh who the fuck is this guy
desktipper: that guy
desktipper: doesn't really look like obama
desktipper: lol
desktipper: the hair isn't even close
desktipper: lol
coopie: 2:12 to 2:15 best part of vid
desktipper: i'm almost there
coopie: its why vid is called new crush
coopie: diff perso n
coopie: LOL
coopie: PAUSE ATR
coopie: 238
coopie: GG?
desktipper: im thinking more along the lines of well played for this one
coopie: agreed tbh
<This user stopped playing Battle for Middle-earth II>
coopie: if u ever get a chance in ur life
coopie: watch the documentray on jesco white
desktipper: i might not have school tomorrow
coopie: watched it in
coopie: sociology class
coopie: last semeseter
coopie: here is trailer for it
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0h3a7MmMss
coopie: tbh
coopie: one of my top 5 movies of all time
coopie: thats his wife at 108
coopie: btw
desktipper: ohmy.gif
coopie: im tellin u
coopie: this man is my hero
desktipper: lol
desktipper: hah
desktipper: LOL!
coopie: torrent this documentary
coopie: its fuckin hilarious
desktipper: the beer bottle thrown against the sign
desktipper: i think it was beer
coopie: redneck TO THE 1000000% MAX
desktipper: drunk redneck*
desktipper: which is so much more epic
coopie: and high
coopie: hes talks about'
desktipper: yeah maybe a little high too
coopie: sniffing paint
desktipper: lol!
coopie: in movie
coopie: OMFG
desktipper: there was kid in my school graduated last year
desktipper: who was like that
desktipper: soooooooooooo redneck
desktipper: and he literally used to huff too lol
coopie: ya
desktipper: i think he drank some too
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc3SEBA-9nU&NR=1
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol
desktipper: !
desktipper: sloppy eggs
desktipper: that's epic
coopie: lol at comment
coopie: THE man
desktipper: lolyeah
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V5-pp6p9pM...feature=related
desktipper: nothing worse than sloppy eggs xD
coopie: LOL
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX0F1fGEfKA...feature=related
coopie: LOL
coopie: drive trucks around in dirt!!!
coopie: prob what u north dakotians do
desktipper: sometimes tbh
desktipper: lol
coopie: -.-
desktipper: there's one kid from my school
desktipper: who's kidna my friend
desktipper: that
desktipper: has so many crap stories
coopie: truck vid is pro
desktipper: of driving trucks through corn fields
desktipper: and crap
coopie: his sister
desktipper: lol
coopie: is epic pro
desktipper: lol he dragged a kid through a corn field by a rope once
desktipper: the kid got a bruised face and black eye
coopie: -.-
coopie: u r a redneck tahts right, u have a barn with cats
desktipper: lol that's not redneck u noob
desktipper: that's just farm
coopie: imo it is xD
desktipper: hah
coopie: u watch the mairage vid?
desktipper: u don't know anything about redneck then nub tongue.gif
desktipper: yes i did
coopie: marriage
desktipper: that guy is very redneck lol
coopie: hottest wife ever
desktipper: lol!
coopie: "u better start fryin them eggs" "jesco is the devil"
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FffzU7F6Lc...feature=related
coopie: LOL
coopie: ON SNIFFIN
coopie: the guy who plays guitar for him
desktipper: btw
coopie: is epic
desktipper: redneck is more hunting and guns than farming tbh
coopie: o stop defending urself tongue.gif
desktipper: tongue.gif
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FffzU7F6Lc...feature=related
desktipper: there are a lot of rednecks/half rednecks in north dakota tho tbh
desktipper: and contry music is insanely popular up here
desktipper: it sucks tbh
<Invalid / command. Type /help for help>
coopie: sigh
desktipper: i can't stand that crap
coopie: lol at 1:40
desktipper: lol!
coopie: "huffin taht glur in a sammich bag"
desktipper: the sniffing
desktipper: hahaha
coopie: he also thinks hes elvis btw
coopie: like legitly
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpRx3ddDidQ...feature=related
coopie: this guy is the true shame of america
desktipper: lol
desktipper: yeah
desktipper: LOL!
desktipper: he's uber
desktipper: redneck
desktipper: people are bribing him with beer
desktipper: lolol
coopie: in a sammich bag
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpRx3ddDidQ...feature=related
coopie: taht vid
coopie: he talks about picking up hsi wife
coopie: who is
coopie: like 63
coopie: "where we at? were in the dam river where u think we at?"
desktipper: darn! lol!!!
desktipper: redneck all over
desktipper: tbh
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW7r5ebJry0...feature=related
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol what u talking about?
desktipper: she's sexxyyy!!!
coopie: ohmy.gif
coopie: lol
coopie: heres sequal for trailer
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ysuG2O0zw...feature=related
coopie: switch that around
coopie: trailer for sequal
desktipper: dickhouse?
desktipper: LOL
coopie: "i cant stop killin"
desktipper: dickhouse
coopie: ya mtv guys made it lol
desktipper: dickhouse
coopie: HOLY SHIT
desktipper: dickhouse
coopie: TAHT GIRL
desktipper: dickhouse
desktipper: dickhouse
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol
coopie: LOL
coopie: OMFG
desktipper: ohmy.gif
desktipper: his mating call
coopie: LOL
coopie: IK
coopie: wow
coopie: i gotta see that
coopie: im watchin it again
coopie: boone county
desktipper: lol
desktipper: those r the type of southern people
coopie: 41 secs
coopie: epic win
desktipper: u'd except to be inbreds
coopie: honestly that "girl"
coopie: at
coopie: mating call scene
coopie: is insane
coopie: "boob joob boob joobv"
<This user is now playing Battle for Middle-earth II>
coopie: lol his hat
coopie: "rebel"
coopie: anothe amazing documentary
coopie: this one is more serious
coopie: but also funny
<This user stopped playing Battle for Middle-earth II>
coopie: was actually a rly good movie
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K7wpatALDQ
coopie: in all seriousness i recomend oit lol
desktipper: video games
desktipper: YESSS!!!
desktipper: arcade games
coopie: im tellin u
desktipper: BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!1
coopie: watch this movie
coopie: its rly good
coopie: u will learn
coopie: to HATE billy mitchell
desktipper: LOL~~~~
desktipper: donkey kong
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol
coopie: ik
desktipper: donkey kong
desktipper: that is epic old school proness there
coopie: rly well made movie
coopie: tbh donkey kong is honestly REALLY FUCKING HARD
desktipper: i've played it b4
desktipper: i beat one of the donkey kong games
desktipper: a long time ago
coopie: i will link u
desktipper: when i was like 7 lol
coopie: to the REAL game
desktipper: not rly
coopie: and
desktipper: more like 10
coopie: u cant beat it
coopie: this vid
coopie: makes u despise billy mitchell with all ur being
desktipper: hah
coopie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQZ9wXO8RVs...feature=related
coopie: wait
coopie: the vid
coopie: movie
coopie: OMFG
coopie: imw atchin thsi for sure
coopie: fuck billy mitchell and his hair
coopie: wiebe ftw
coopie: "everybody, even grandma, games"
desktipper: competitive gaming
desktipper: is ftw!!!
coopie: !!!
coopie: walter day
coopie: is living legend
desktipper: tbh i should get a ton of noob rts games
desktipper: and spam on them
desktipper: and own
desktipper: them everyoen thinks i'm pro
desktipper: except the true pros on the good games
desktipper: like sc
coopie: honestly these games r harder then games today
desktipper: i know sad.gif
desktipper: games today are designed more for online play
desktipper: than arcade simple soloplayer games
coopie: ya
coopie: lol
coopie: at billy mitchell in 80's
coopie: 800,000 on first man
coopie: tahsts fucking crazy
coopie: this guys ego is through the roof
desktipper: lol
desktipper: the guy with a false score
desktipper: gets wtfpwned
desktipper: biggrin.gif
coopie: ik
coopie: music in thsi movie is pro
desktipper: yes!!!!
desktipper: lol
coopie: omg forgot bout his parents
coopie: rofl
desktipper: he's the only one to ever beat it?
coopie: ull see
desktipper: lol
desktipper: ohmy.gif
desktipper: that's insane
desktipper: tbh btw
desktipper: i'm billy mitchel
coopie: lol
coopie: on to part 2 tbh
desktipper: lol he was first perfect game of pacman too!
coopie: ik
desktipper: omg that's amazing
coopie: u like him now
desktipper: first donkey kong and pacman!
coopie: wait til end of movie
coopie: yay steve wiebe!
coopie: once again pro music
desktipper: lol yeah
desktipper: zomg
desktipper: he got really close to the record
coopie: ik
coopie: lol ur like 15saecs behind me
desktipper: biggrin.gif
desktipper: lol did this guy literally draw lines on the game
desktipper: lol
coopie: ofc
coopie: pro devotion
desktipper: yes
desktipper: not a bad drummer
coopie: ik
coopie: on a crap set too
desktipper: yes
coopie: the donkey song sounds r pro
coopie: LOL
coopie: WIPE MY BUTT
desktipper: lol
desktipper: biggrin.gif
desktipper: LOL!
desktipper: LOL
coopie: DEREK
desktipper: donkey kong is definitely more important
coopie: agreed
coopie: learn to wipe ur own butt
desktipper: donkey kong > butt

coopie: LOL
coopie: pro
coopie: on part 3 btw
desktipper: same
coopie: i bet billy mitchell likes to bury his head in his wife's big titties
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol this guy is pro referree
coopie: ik
coopie: so dedicated
coopie: hes as omportant to video games as much as mart is important to 1.6
desktipper: lol@
desktipper: !
desktipper: yes
coopie: smile.gif
desktipper: or as i am important to 2.4
desktipper: lol when i came back
coopie: thats deth
desktipper: the amount of games per day
coopie: watching the vids
desktipper: literally doubled
coopie: lol
desktipper: i was gone on rotwk cw for a couple weeks
desktipper: and it averaged about 20 games per day
coopie: 1 mil!!!
coopie: pro
desktipper: then a few days later
desktipper: 40ish
coopie: pro at ur carry of 2.4
desktipper: OMG!
desktipper: he set new world record
coopie: !!!
desktipper: w0000t
desktipper: NEW WORLD RECORD
desktipper: lol!
coopie: LOL
coopie: 508
coopie: when they pause
coopie: Greg Bond looks like he could kill
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol yeah
coopie: taht was someones comment
desktipper: Mr. Awesome
desktipper: LOL!
coopie: smile.gif
coopie: proest nickname ever
desktipper: yesss
coopie: billy starts to rly pull some dick moves
desktipper: ohmy.gif
desktipper: lol yes!
desktipper: that fag
coopie: lol
coopie: lol roy shildt
desktipper: yesss
coopie: got a gnarly piece of poon tang
desktipper: lol
coopie: "im perfect havent u read?"
coopie: wow
coopie: epic fag
desktipper: wannabe billy
desktipper: lol
coopie: dam they skip a bit between 4 and 5
coopie: i mean
coopie: 3 and 4
desktipper: sad.gif
desktipper: yeah
coopie: mr awesome drives the awesomemobile to fame and fortune
coopie: lol
desktipper: lolllll
desktipper: billy mitchel is a dick lol
coopie: billy mitchells hair rly startin to piss me off...
desktipper: hahhaa
coopie: go kick some ass steve wiebe
desktipper: YES!
coopie: !
coopie: pro music!!
coopie: ur the best!
coopie: around!
coopie: nothings gonna ever keep you down!
desktipper: hah
desktipper: pro music yet
desktipper: yes*
desktipper: lol this guy retired at age 30
desktipper: and just plays games now
desktipper: lol
coopie: ik
coopie: livin the dream
desktipper: yesss!!
desktipper: omg i want to be him
coopie: lol old lady
coopie: qbert
coopie: LOL
desktipper: billy mitchel's jacket is as gay as his hair
desktipper: tbh
coopie: lol
desktipper: leather jacket ffs
desktipper: he's tryign to be a 1950s gangster now?
coopie: brian kuh is a spaz
desktipper: tbh it's kinda weird to think that if someone got the stupid idea to do this for bfme2, i could probably be one of the people on it xD
coopie: xD
desktipper: i wish so bad that i had started like a year earlier lol
coopie: brian kuh jizzed his pants when steve wiebe walked in
desktipper: then i would've competed with fabled and all the pros in their prime sad.gif
coopie: everyone wouldve, ive always thought, myself playing in both eras xD that the second one had better players
coopie: we just got no respect
desktipper: yess
desktipper: players are better now lol
desktipper: only idiots think they were better bakc then
desktipper: for proof, watch any replay lol
desktipper: brb bathroom
coopie: k
coopie: tbh im on pat 5
coopie: lol brian s pissed
desktipper: starting part 5 now
coopie: kk
desktipper: tbh if someone made a movie with me in it
desktipper: i'd so say crap like
desktipper: "the only thing greater than my ego is my skill"
coopie: lol
desktipper: lol that would be so much fun too
coopie: best chance to do professional gaming is in fps's
desktipper: lol i have no chance the
desktipper: then*
desktipper: lol
coopie: ;
coopie: 0
desktipper: i suck uberhard at fps
desktipper: like the worst noob ever
desktipper: haha
coopie: im pretty good
desktipper: my hand-eye coordination is actually really bad
coopie: brian kuh is a fuck
desktipper: i suck at guitar hero and stuff too lol
coopie: im good at sports, my coordination is pro
coopie: smile.gif
desktipper: the only reason i'm pro at bfme2 and a little other rts is my speed and decision making
desktipper: but my general gaming is noob
desktipper: biggrin.gif
coopie: o boy the kill screen
desktipper: gogogo steve!!!!!!!!!
coopie: !!
desktipper: ahhh dangit
coopie: like i said
coopie: brian kuh
coopie: is a fuck
desktipper: lol
desktipper: steve is owning
desktipper: i think
desktipper: biggrin.gif
coopie: biggrin.gif
coopie: lol
coopie: hes trying to make him lose
coopie: " we could have a wild barrel, or a few crazy fireballs"
desktipper: lol
desktipper: billy mitchell is so fag
desktipper: lolol
desktipper: such an ego
coopie: dam dude
coopie: eh i wont spoil it
desktipper: don't!
coopie: LOL brian
coopie: all ill say
desktipper: KILL SCREEN W000000000000000000T!
coopie: biggrin.gif
desktipper: RECORD!
desktipper: yesssss
desktipper: winnnnn
desktipper: gogogoogo steve
desktipper: biggrin.gif:D:D:D:D
desktipper: that beat his other score b4 lol
desktipper: billy is going to cry now i think
desktipper: ^^
coopie: biggrin.gif
desktipper: part 6
desktipper: omg what is bill up to
coopie: no good
desktipper: i figure as much
coopie: Steve goes home to a loving wife and two kids. Billy Mitchell goes home smelling like chicken wings to rubber boobs. Brian Kuh goes home and masturbates to his own tears at night, and Walter Day goes home and meditates.
coopie: LOL
coopie: LOL
coopie: LO
coopie: L
coopie: OL
coopie: O
coopie: L
coopie: LO
desktipper: lol
desktipper: billy cheated
desktipper: i know it tbh
coopie: who knows
desktipper: i do
coopie: lol
desktipper: i helped him cheat
desktipper: i know
coopie: lol
coopie: i think i hate brian kuh more then billy
desktipper: omg
coopie: its so sad
desktipper: this is almost as bad as government!
coopie: worse imo
desktipper: billy cheating idiot!
coopie: Steve is cash. He has a life, came in, broke a record, and probably wondered what was for dinner.

coopie: well said
desktipper: lol
desktipper: biggrin.gif
desktipper: yes
desktipper: steve >>>>>>>>>>> billy in every way
coopie: his wife has real tits
coopie: wp
desktipper: i would wub steve if i met him ingame biggrin.gif
desktipper: <3
coopie: <3
desktipper: billy on the other hand
desktipper: is a steve
desktipper: bfme2 steve
desktipper: lol
desktipper: billy = steve
desktipper: steve = clever
desktipper: biggrin.gif
coopie: lol
desktipper: part 7 now
coopie: same
coopie: 1 min 38 ahead
desktipper: my bathroom break sad.gif
coopie: sad.gif
coopie: ur bladder fails
desktipper: lol
coopie: wow what a fucking dick
desktipper: yeah
desktipper: lol
coopie: at 250ish
desktipper: he's not doing that crap for USA
desktipper: lol
desktipper: he's a arragant dick doing it for himself
coopie: YESA
coopie: GO STEVE
coopie: GOGOGO
desktipper: LOL
desktipper: his student
coopie: ik
desktipper: lololol
coopie: was me tbh
desktipper: that's so pro
desktipper: eye of the tiger
desktipper: pro song for the moment
coopie: lol walter compares this rivalry to yankees red sox ohmy.gif
desktipper: vikings-packers is more instense
desktipper: just cuz it's local to where i live lulz
coopie: u kidding
coopie: bears packers
coopie: 100x >
desktipper: lol no!
coopie: not even gonna get into this
desktipper: vikings - packers u idiot
coopie: Y BOY
desktipper: cuz it's always been that way
coopie: LETS DO WORK
desktipper: for like 20 years
coopie: u realize
coopie: bears packers have played eachother
desktipper: vikings - packers is the epic rivals of the division
coopie: since like 1920
desktipper: yeah but recently
desktipper: vikings = packers is more instense
coopie: k enough im watchin the vid
coopie: lol billy drives a white minivan
desktipper: lol!!!!!!!!!!!
desktipper: haha
desktipper: goes well with his leather jacket
desktipper: haha
desktipper: lol weight-lifting gloves
desktipper: that is pro
coopie: ik
desktipper: hahah guy playign with his foot!!!
coopie: shows u mean business
desktipper: yes ;D
desktipper: part 8
coopie: lol im gaining on u
coopie: min 44 ahead
coopie: wow this music just gets proer and proer
desktipper: biggrin.gif
coopie: everybody knooooows
coopie: god is he a prick
desktipper: yess
desktipper: lol
desktipper: haha song
coopie: ik
coopie: pro ik
desktipper: lol the song fits in good
desktipper: this really is pro
coopie: to sum it up
coopie: billy is pro dodger
desktipper: lol
desktipper: lol he is pro dodger!
coopie: brb u can catch up!
coopie: gonna grab a pro snack
desktipper: biggrin.gif
desktipper: yay

Posts: 700

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 2NadeDawg Jan 25 2010, 20:19 PM
After reading maybe 1/4 I scrolled down and realized how fucking too long it is.

Posts: 5,359

Game: League of Legends

# 3coopie Jan 25 2010, 22:44 PM
why i said, for deth, only he would find this amusing xD

Posts: 700

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 4Blizz` Jan 26 2010, 12:51 PM
deth is strange

Posts: 1,183

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 5NadeDawg Jan 26 2010, 19:09 PM
Desk, am I allowed to tell what happens with Deth when he returns?

Posts: 5,359

Game: League of Legends

# 6Crabby Lobster Jan 27 2010, 01:10 AM
QUOTE(NadeDawg @ Jan 26 2010, 14:09 PM) *

Desk, am I allowed to tell what happens with Deth when he returns?

Other after he returns, we don't want anyone ruining the surprise.

Posts: 16,503

Game: League of Legends

# 7Sweet`Baby`Jesus Jan 27 2010, 06:54 AM
QUOTE(coopie @ Jan 25 2010, 17:21 PM) *

<Calling desktipper>

just seein that is annoying. =)

Posts: 329

Clan: Da Unit

Game: The Asian Dynasties

# 8coopie Jan 28 2010, 00:17 AM
QUOTE(Sweet`Baby`Jesus @ Jan 27 2010, 01:54 AM) *

just seein that is annoying. =)


Posts: 700

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 9kHaZ4D`dUm` Jan 28 2010, 19:51 PM
QUOTE(NadeDawg @ Jan 26 2010, 06:19 AM) *

After reading maybe 1/4 I scrolled down and realized how fucking too long it is.

hahah same. i got lost though wacko.gif

Posts: 1,025

Clan: Da Unit

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

# 10Crabby Lobster Dec 5 2012, 21:18 PM
Deth didn't post in the for Deth topic gg.

Posts: 16,503

Game: League of Legends

# 11Valente Dec 10 2012, 21:18 PM
QUOTE(egotisticalnoob @ Dec 5 2012, 22:18 PM) *

Deth didn't post in the for Deth topic gg.

lol deth left the town long ago it seems.

Posts: 4,467

Clan: Unr3al

Game: Battle for Middle Earth 2

# 12Crabby Lobster Dec 11 2012, 23:38 PM
deth is a whore tbh

Posts: 16,503

Game: League of Legends

# 13Raziel` Dec 12 2012, 16:01 PM
I agree!

Posts: 5,128

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