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Rise of the Witch King


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# 1FirewalkerXTC Dec 14 2010, 09:22 AM
I just wanted to start a fun topic,try and figure out how much activity is still around,and possibly spark an onslaught a fun.........I wanted to share a story....I was recently out with some friends at the pub, one has terribly small hands and the other a very tiny head....they were arguing whos was smaller in comparison to other humans blah blah blah.....I decided to take them downtown to the guiness book of world records office.....they set up an appointment for a week later and I wanted to prove to them at there appointment, when all the measurements were complete, that they are fine.....I went as well, because I thought I had the smallest pecker in the world.....so we all go and the little head man goes in.......minutes go by and he comes out laughing, he truly has the smallest head in America(not the whole world)....weird???? the next guy goes in and comes out shortly after smiling....he truly has the smallest hands in the state of Wisconsin(the state were from in America).....so I go in....time goes by they take some precise measurements.......unfortunately I have the second smallest pecker in the WHOLE world.....and I have to admit Im rather upset at this Oli Legstrong guy that stole my title!!!

Posts: 13

# 2Lord Nevets Dec 15 2010, 05:17 AM
Did you just burn Buff? lol

Posts: 9,430

Clan: Elite Hunting

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 3FirewalkerXTC Dec 15 2010, 08:37 AM
lol, come on buffy......my little buddy, tongue.gif hows life steve?

Posts: 13

# 4Lord Nevets Dec 15 2010, 11:05 AM
It has a been a wild year my friend with the highlights being.
(1) The 7.1 quake that fucked up the city I live in...I got off easy.
(2) Metallica in October...I am a changed man because of it.
(3) last week i saw the most epic fight between 2 cats I have ever seen...thank fuck they dont know how to use knives.

How about you man?

This post has been edited by Lord Nevets: Dec 15 2010, 11:09 AM

Posts: 9,430

Clan: Elite Hunting

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 5FirewalkerXTC Dec 16 2010, 08:15 AM
lets see highlights
1: Epic snowstorm last week dumping 2 feet of snow,followed by -15 F weather......so much snow it collapsed sporting areas in the area
2. my son turned 1 this july
3. bought a house which has taken 98% of my free time....currently remodeling bathroom,already revamped outside by adding monster stone padio and 6 ft retaining wall (saved 8 thousand dollars by doing it myself)
4. nearly died from a 60 year woman fingerbanging herself while driving backwards on a one way street 70 mph
5. 7 house fires saved 6 of them, rescued 2 young girls and about 3 dogs and cats and like 15 weasels/minks
6. shot another black bear 350 lbs
7. was recently attacked by a cat with extreme skills with knives.....stole my wallet and headed to the fish market

Posts: 13

# 6Lord Nevets Dec 16 2010, 09:19 AM
You should of set the cat on the bear mate.

Posts: 9,430

Clan: Elite Hunting

Game: Rise of the Witch King

# 7Buff^ Dec 16 2010, 14:38 PM
1) Found a job.
2) Worked.
3) Worked some more.
4) Played with my indredibly small pecker.
5) Played with Steve's even smaller pecker.
6) Ate a child.

Posts: 7,220

Clan: Elite Hunting

Game: Rise of the Witchking 2.01


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