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Dota 2 Beta Player Leaks Info!

By Immortal^ - 14th September 2011 - 13:14 PM

A member of the Dota 2 beta has started an "AMA" (ask me anything) on reddit, where users are allowed to ask whatever they want about the game, and he will respond. The following are some of the questions and answers that were presented in the thread:

Care to provide any evidence? Screeny of Tiny at the secret shop using a skill
IPB Image

Any kind of matchmaking system up yet?
Most definitely. Levelling your 'profile' doesn't work yet, but you can see it's coming.

What will "Leveling" achieve? If you fail alot can you go down in level?
Match with similar level players. It's not implemented, so I have no idea.

How many other people are in the beta?
Quite a few. Often see the same people. I'd say, 100-150.

Can you show us an in-game screenshot of Dragon Knight?
Not in-game as yet.

How does targeting work? Do you lose control of your hero if you left click something/someone else, like a creep or roshan?
Yes and no. You can view theirs stats and skills, but if you right click, then that gets transferred to your hero, and you take control of him again. Though not in the case of the courier or a disconnected hero.

Hows the shop and Is it to your liking? Is the shop similar to the ones seen in HoN or LoL? Does it have any flaws?
Lack of shop hotkeys is quite annoying, but I'm sure they're coming.

Any screenshots of the shop?
IPB Image

I guess they also don't use this stupid right-click-buy mechanic?
They do.

So what happens when you left-click an item? It shows details like in HoN?
What it can build into.

Is the UI customizable at all? If so, what can you change?
Not in-game, but it uses the same system as other Valve games, so you can edit the .res files.

What is "Prestige?"
Prestige doesn't seem to be implemented. Currently just wins and losses.

How does the courier work? Abilities to give items and return in one press?
Yes. One press delivers and then the courier goes back.

Please, go into Dota2's GCF and see if there are any files for unreleased heroes.

Does VALVe constantly update, or is it a batch of updates every few days?

Can you queue as a group of 2-4 people together?
There is a party system, yes.

How does hosting work?
Valve are hosting dedicated servers. Players cannot host at the moment. (Though I assume that's due to the beta status, so don't worry)

Can you spectate any game in progress? How many spectators per game?
Any game.
Not sure, but I've seen over 15.

Is it currently implemented, or are there plans to implement AI?
Not currently. Unknown if there are plans.

Just wondering how much the steamapps dota2 folder is weighing in in GB?
2.53 GB (That's now. Keep in mind the rest of the heroes to come)

Are hotkeys for skills Q.W.E.R? Or are they like DotA's?
QWER, though all buttons are rebindable. So it doesn't really matter.

Is there a replay system implemented yet?
It's not out, but files indicated there will be. It'll almost definitely be the same as TF2's.Source: Dota 2 reddit