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Heroes of Newerth

Epic 80min pub. Huge Heroes

Forests of Caldavar
Forests of Caldavar
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#1Sinthetic  Oct 17 2010, 14:39 PM -
Replays: 1
Just a standard pub that turns into a long game with tons of farmed heroes. Ends with some last resort means smile.gif. Epic fails and Epic tales. Don't be fooled by the PSR's or scores some intense play occurs.
#2Dbee  Oct 17 2010, 14:44 PM -
Replays: 0
a fun watch
#3kustodian  Oct 18 2010, 00:55 AM -

Replays: 1726 Game:
a fun watch

Hi and welcome to GR banana.gif
#4Ixpha  Nov 15 2010, 03:57 AM -
Replays: 3
well only decent player there was devo. Fun seeing both chronos and sb running around with 2 modifiers....made me lol, if they had at least correct items\usage for lategame there is no way that carry team should have lost.
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