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Heroes of Newerth

Heroes of Newerth Replay Hall of Fame

  • 1
    2815 12
    AlunaZephyrPandamoniumOogieNight HoundDampeerDoctor RepulsorLegionnaireBubblesBramble
    Mediocre Panda pwnage
    By: SHUTHXBYE - Added 29 Mar, 2013 - v3.0.6.0
  • 41
    12082 13
    Wretched HagZephyrPlague RiderForsaken ArcherAccursedSoulstealerArachnaPredatorAndromedaPyromancer
    DreamHack: MSI vs DrDz - The Most Epic Game
    By: kustodian - Added 24 Jun, 2010 - v1.0.8.4
  • 39
    29854 8
    TempestHellbringerWitch SlayerDoctor RepulsorFlint BeastwoodPharaohTundraGlaciusValkyrieMagmus
    [Finals] GR TS2 Invitational - [LOAD] vs [Empr] Game #4
    By: kustodian - Added 6 Sep, 2010 - v1.0.10.1
  • 145
    20095 55
    KrakenSand WraithPyromancerWretched HagDemented ShamanAccursedGlaciusLegionnaireHellbringerTorturer
    eGo vs pao
    By: Crowbar - Added 16 Jan, 2010 - v0.3.3