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Walkthrough of erl115 gamble line TD map (7p)

#1LordFlameheart  Jun 2 2017, 07:32 AM -
Replays: 98 Game:
maps can be downloaded from here: https://www.gamereplays.org/community/index...howtopic=998919

Spent a whole night to beat it with nuke because we have no other players joining. Enemy numbers reduce proportionally to player numbers so it was still fine. It is however really hard to beat it solo because one faction's tech cannot counter all kinds of waves.

After failing some times our choices eventually evolve to T59 with a GDI/ZOC. Nod factions may use specs to deter ground waves and use venoms with bikes to deny air, but after some tries we realized scrin factions using mothership is a cheaper and stronger anti ground answer, so as their shard AA which are way more powerful than any AA units. Using a wall of shard AA to deny both air and stealth, and have GDI ally to kill stealthed units would handle most of the situations.

The catalyst could however be a pain because sometimes it backfire our units. As seen in the replay, one of nuke's mcv and my AA walls went down because the infected slings ran too fast and infected us too.

Another faction be GDI or ZOC because they can spam Zoneheads to hunt leaked ground units that have too much HP to be killed by ms. But later we found we inevitably need trav to do cultist, because some units have REALLY high HP... killing them became an impossible task, even if we have lots of zoneheads. So we changed our tactics, using cultist to grab them and save the futile effort of trying to kill them.

Theoretically, this map can be beaten solo or double T59, depends on how good player is capable of microing cultist. If player can use cultist to grab everything AI sends you, it could work. Problem is some waves have flame units which may slaughter your culty, so the more stable and viable combination is still GDI/ZOC with trav.

Nod factions are not as favored as GDI and Scrins here due to them having absolutely no answer to the OP units with massive HP in late game. Their units are however good against early waves, but still inferior than zoneheads and mothership can do.

This map does not need normal scrin air units. They are too expensive, too slow, and do too little damage. Only air unit you need would be a mothership.

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