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Kanes Wrath


#1trouble055  Dec 25 2013, 07:38 AM -
Replays: 15 Game:
#2Flamedremon  Dec 25 2013, 10:05 AM -
Replays: 26 Game:
Good stuff. I won the best out of three. He won the best out of 5. I won the best of 7. He won the best of 9 and then i won the best of 11. INSANE CHRISTMAS NIGHT OF KANES WRATH
#3stateoftheunion  Dec 25 2013, 10:34 AM -
Replays: 68 Game:
Good stuff. I won the best out of three. He won the best out of 5. I won the best of 7. He won the best of 9 and then i won the best of 11. INSANE CHRISTMAS NIGHT OF KANES WRATH

Its like winning the spelling-championship of the dyslexic.
#4trouble055  Dec 25 2013, 12:03 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Good stuff. I won the best out of three. He won the best out of 5. I won the best of 7. He won the best of 9 and then i won the best of 11. INSANE CHRISTMAS NIGHT OF KANES WRATH

Its like winning the spelling-championship of the dyslexic.

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