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League of Legends

How to make a Comeback

#1_Golgoth_  Jun 6 2011, 15:41 PM -
Replays: 57 Game:
3 of us decided to have a nice game, then as we started to lose due to a poor vayne on our team we vowed that we would refuse to lose
Luckily our Swain seemed willingly to help
An epic game, worth an hour of your time most definitely

27:30 was cool for me as Sin tongue.gif
38:00 wasn't cool ><
41.00 Game over
42.00 Or not
44.40 Ah forgot to call back... But watch
52.30 Blitz CVs then realises they may be at Baron so I go to check
52.55 And die
57.00 Teamfight incoming
59.30 Ashe backdooring
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