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Ryze goes for a stroll

#1933552688  Feb 21 2011, 14:05 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Ryze gameplay, with someone from gr.org joining in, well ryze =/= nerfed soonish R.I.P in peace op
#2Remox  Feb 21 2011, 15:49 PM -
Replays: 26 Game:
NVM I can see it now lol, my mistake.

OMG so good, the tear + catalyst gives you insane damage post-13661-1143531603.gif
This post has been edited by Remox: Feb 21 2011, 17:03 PM
#3Techamber1  Feb 21 2011, 18:36 PM -
Watched it all the way through. It was kinda hard with Kass and Soraka's abysmal creep kills and ad Blitz. Also, you are nerfing your dps output by taking overload after level one over spell flux. Overload's scaling is terrible, and until you reach level 4 in it you are gaining nothing off the cd reduction since your passive with spell flux reduces all your cooldowns for your damage spells more.

He's not OP at all. I ran the exact same build you had minus the deathcap yesterday using leaguecraft to calc out damage output (with the loss of deathcap and full heart, I was favoring new Ryze). Opening combo still stronger with old Ryze. After that, it switches off with new Ryze gaining a small advantage with q being lower on cd, followed up with old Ryze putting out some heavy dps with his Q and E being off cooldown while his ult is still up. Took some liberties with the hits on Spell Flux, but I feel if they wanted to make him more reliable they could have changed the unreliable spell.
#4933552688  Feb 22 2011, 00:46 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Watched it all the way through. It was kinda hard with Kass and Soraka's abysmal creep kills and ad Blitz. Also, you are nerfing your dps output by taking overload after level one over spell flux. Overload's scaling is terrible, and until you reach level 4 in it you are gaining nothing off the cd reduction since your passive with spell flux reduces all your cooldowns for your damage spells more.

He's not OP at all. I ran the exact same build you had minus the deathcap yesterday using leaguecraft to calc out damage output (with the loss of deathcap and full heart, I was favoring new Ryze). Opening combo still stronger with old Ryze. After that, it switches off with new Ryze gaining a small advantage with q being lower on cd, followed up with old Ryze putting out some heavy dps with his Q and E being off cooldown while his ult is still up. Took some liberties with the hits on Spell Flux, but I feel if they wanted to make him more reliable they could have changed the unreliable spell.

the soraka was damn pro, friend of mine, awrding being awesome love him..

I find lvl.q to be sweet, I get 1 point at E, when I feel I can start harrasing

I find ap scaling on W and E to be to great to leave it out, E have 2.1 ap ratio, and W have 0.65
This post has been edited by Teigen: Feb 22 2011, 00:49 AM
#5Clashje  Feb 22 2011, 08:36 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Nice Playing. Makess me want to try ryze too.
#6Remox  Feb 22 2011, 14:36 PM -
Replays: 26 Game:
Of course Ryze it's not OP, just strong and because of this kind of build which gives you HP/armor/mres to survive assasins.
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