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Faction Focused Map Awareness - Infinity Isle

By Destructo - 6th November 2012 - 20:29 PM

Welcome Commanders! In this series there are quotes from Red Alert 3 Experts & other notable top-tier players from across all factions. Coupled with screenshots of their bases the aim is to detail what map-exclusive advantages should be made use of, & the possible disadvantages that can arise and how to deal with them.

Faction Focused Map Awareness - Infinity Isle

Click above for a larger image of the map itself...

Map Description:
Infinity Isle is in general a small sized map. As the crow flies there is a short distance between starting positions, however the time taken for travel between starting positions via land is longer as the route is not straight. Each starting position has 2 ore nodes as standard, 1 ore node behind each player in the water, an ore node on the ridge just in front of each player, just down the ridge from that ore node there is another in the water.

There are two Oil Derricks, next to the ore nodes on the ridge of this map, both of which are easily gained by the appropriate player. There is also a Observation Outpost located dead centre of the map itself. This Observation Post will (if captured) provide line of sight into the enemies base as far as the ore node on the ridge, and the ore node closest to the outpost in the enemies base.

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Q: Is Infinity Isle good or bad for Soviets, and why?
I would say that Infinity Isle isn't necessarily good or bad for Soviets. I personally like this map since I tend to favor more macro oriented game play and its really easy to defend 3 Refineries there. I'd say that it's kind of an even map - everything can be countered there.

Q: Are there any specific advantages that you like to make use of on this map?
Since one of my opponents main Refineries is very close to the ridge I like to harass it with Twin-Blades constantly. Also most people can't properly defend their water expansion from Terror-Drones, so it presents another opportunity for me. Soviet land based army is usually very strong, so its hard to just overcome it and having Infinity Isle's feature of there being only one attack path is good for Soviets.

As for a Allies Vs Soviet match-up, I'd say that Allies has no real way to deal with Soviet during the late game on that map (especially Kirovs + land army combined). If Allies invest too heavily on navy (Carriers) then I'll just kill them on land, unless the Allied player is ahead of Soviets. If there players are even, Soviet late game > Allied late game on Infinity Isle.

Q: Are there any disadvantages for Soviet players on this map that you feel are worth mentioning?
What I have a bit trouble countering is Empire's early push with mass infantry or infantry + Tengus. Also VX-Strikers are extremely good here until Soviet player has MiGs out. Empire's Tier 3 (especially Wave-Force, supported of course) is extremely good on any map vs Soviets, but I think its even better here on Infinity Isle.

Since Infinity Isle has many cliffs, air is extremely effective on this map. That makes an early Allied AirField good here in my opinion and having just one attack path which can be blocked with MG-Turrets is annoying early game, since Tier 1 units are very squashy.

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Q: Is Infinity Isle good or bad for Empire, and why?
Infinity Isle is one of Empire's more 'worse maps', if not the worst. Empire is used to getting both Oil Derricks, and the way the map is structured the probability of getting both oil is more slim. Overall Empire will most likely lose mid-game on this map, so it's a good idea to end it ASAP or get an early advantage (or Wave-Force Artillery vs Soviet!)

Q: Are there any specific advantages that you like to make use of on this map?
There are advantages with Empire, such as a three Refinery start while preventing the enemy from scouting/ This can be beneficial for Empire while the other factions mostly camp and turtle until mid-game, which can allow Empire to have more of an economy advantage the whole game.

Another advantage of this map is that it allows Empire players to be aggressive while retrieving or destroying the second Oil Derrick. It might be wiser to destroy it as after the threat is gone they will just recapture it. Building a docks core next to your water refinery also helps remove threats to that Refinery listed below.

Q: Are there any disadvantages for Empire players on this map that you feel are worth mentioning?
The map being small is a disadvantage for Empire, as they have the most mobile units, and other factions can also expand easier/quicker. Also the other factions can camp by placing a turret on the cliff to prevent most offensive pushes while they tier up/harass your ore Collectors. as well as most of the time Empire can't stay on four Refineries due to only three possible land refineries to expand to.

Empire is also highly susceptible to cheeses such as the Cryo-rush or base pushes, and if Empire does not get an early advantage or be constantly aggressive they will surely lose mid-game to Cryo harassment or Twin-Frogs as it will be harder to defend this as VX-Strikers are slow and the cliff makes it hard for them to defend multiple air based attacks. Also, the water Refinery in the back position of the map is very hard to defend from the numerous possible threats such as Dolphins/Cryos or Terror-Drones/Akula Subs.

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Q: Is Infinity Isle good or bad for Allies, and why?
Overall the map is fairly balanced in my opinion, though slightly favoring Soviet game play (especially as the back water Refinery is easily defended by Soviet and harder to defend as Empire or Allied). The map is fairly small, and has a ridiculously short distance between bases (as the crow flies) which makes Allied air almost a necessity.

Q: Are there any specific advantages to look out for on this map? If so, what are they?
When expanding to the Water expansions you can reach them without dropping your M.C.V into the water, so you can gain that expansion position pretty quick in the early game if you've been pushed or are gunning for 4 Refineries. It's fairly easy to defend too if you have the time and resources to put a Sea-Port there.

The cliff in the center of the map is an amazing advantage. If you have line of sight you can use Vindicators to pick off enemy units by flying onto the cliff, taking out a couple of units and darting back to your Air Field (the cliffs can stop damage as line of sight is lost). The nature of access to the central ridge means that there is only one entrance and exit to each players land bases, which makes M.G Turrets super effective here.

Q: Are there any disadvantages for Allied players on this map that you feel are worth mentioning?
Harassment of your water Refinery is a constant worry, Akula Submarines from Soviet, Tengu harassment from Empire or even Subs from Empire too can be deadly. Bullfrogs shooting Terror-Drones from one side of the map to another to attack your Harvesters is another caution to take.

In Allied mirrors be sure to scout well. If it comes down to a Cryo battle you're going to have to watch for Cryocopters flying over the ridge and going for collectors - although if they can do it so can you, so that's another advantage. Twin-Blades from Soviet players are particularly nasty when they use the ridge for cover. Tsunami tanks taking the scenic route on the water around the back of the map to get into your starting position can be tricky and difficult to scout.

Part 1 of 7 Complete!

So there you have it - 3 well known players from each faction giving their opinion on the map, with it's uses and annoyances. We are already working on the second part of this, what is to be a massive guide so keep watching the portal!

Allied Contributors: c9q9md & Terror Trix
Empire Contributors: JulzzZ
Soviet Contributors: Tingu
Overall Production: Red3 Team!