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Red Alert 3

Crazy 2v3

#1Zrethya  Aug 25 2013, 14:59 PM -
Replays: 24 Game:
All in the title. Can't describe how thrilling it was...smile.gif
#2Eminence  Aug 25 2013, 23:32 PM -
Yes, very nice game... but I would say it was more like a 2.5 vs 2 lol, inasmuch as south sov (jeje I think) really didnt play well, and lost all of his units for nothing all game long... I think he was able to kill 1 power plant lol.

But great m8s teamwork fo sho smile.gif

#3Vindies  Aug 28 2013, 05:34 AM -
Very entertaining and two-sided.

Very nice and well-executed push in start by The_Sniper mid-left.

Bilou (Japan), top left, did a very good job on doubling Yui hard in the beginning and later sending units to Dankal at bottom without taking too much damage before Zreth's final push.

I think the outcome would have been much different if the 2 top right refs were not just left alone late-game.

WP all!
#4Hussein TF  Sep 8 2013, 21:23 PM -
Replays: 2
Even Crazy isn't a suitable word . U reminded the day i won against 3 brutals. Nice game for all comrades and teamwork has shown its importance once again .
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