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Red Alert 3

Very good SvE on BBB

Battlebase Beta
Battlebase Beta
#11Papa_Coming  Nov 13 2021, 02:23 AM -
Replays: 74
Lol, this game was OP! wub wub
#12zebbi  Jul 2 2023, 22:20 PM -
Replays: 7
QUOTE(Libraic @ Oct 29 2021, 03:52 AM)

I still don't get why is this relevant; the point of this platform is to provide good games, isn't it? So it doesn't matter who uploads them. So sorry, but I really don't understand your point, seems like a frustrated point of view.

totally agree, he sounds frustrated post-13661-1143531603.gif can someone give him a joke to make him feel better?
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