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SPAMLoony idiot cheater

#21Eminence  Feb 17 2011, 09:12 AM -

I agree it's an exploit, but I disagree on using your own positive energies on something as pitiful as this. The whole mcv-crush tactic is a matter of opinion & perspective to be honest. To us it is an exploit, but to other's it's a valid tactic. From this replay alone, aswell as other's, it's evident it's counterable, so either argument for or against is pretty moot. It's within the game, so we should probably learn to live with it & assume it's what the developer's intended...you gotta' admit it is a pretty funny to see done, & countered tongue.gif

There was a famous quote I think Matiz (I could be mistkaen) had in his sig'..."In competitive playing, you use what wins"...obviously in this case the player in question lost, but it's not like he used an iron curtained dojo core that use's super weapons now is it? (That would be the definition I'd call, aswell as gamecrashing, cheating)

GG anyway, wubbed 'cos it made me laugh smile.gif

p.s. Flaming in the lobby for whatever reason is sad, & it'll have no impact on how often the player plays...there is an ignore button for a reason.

Thx for the wub, and thx for ur input.

But u failed to get my point it seems : it is NOT a matter of opinion. It is NOT a valid tactic. And it is NOT what the developpers intended. The logic of the cryocopter is simple : it miniaturize units which can thereafter be crushed. It is logic : a mini unit gets crushed by a bigger one. I ask u again : this logic applies to EVERY UNIT -- but somehow it would apply to the allied mcv ???

Not only it wouldnt make any sense, but more importantly, this bug confers a tremendous power to the mcv. So much so, taht is turns it in fact into a lethal weapon against everything and completely destroys ur economy. NOW, again, this CANNOT be what the developpers intended. The (allied) mcv is NOT meant to b such an OP unit. It is quite evident. To continue maintining the opposite is to argue on bad faith. Period.

The fact that it is counterable as NOTHING to do with it being cheating. NOTHING. So plz people stop with this nonsense once and for all. It is a ludicrous argument. Pks shooting through walls is also counterable -- or maybe it is what the developper intended ? for only allied units to shoot throught walls ? Come on man, dont make me laugh. Map hack is counterable too.

And plz stop misquoting Matiz : he would have NEVER applied this idea to CHEATS. Come on. Again, u are being ridiculous. You completely distort his idea here. "Competitive gaming" and "cheating" are radically antagonistic concepts.

The only right thing u said in all ur post is that it is pretty much a waste of my positive energy. But I can't help it. I love this game. And I will fight for it wink.gif
#22PuppetMaster DM  Feb 17 2011, 13:21 PM -
Replays: 59 Game:
I strongly disagree with this sentence of post #10: "I openly encourage people to dc when some1 cheats vs them."
I respect you Eminence, but this is just wrong.
Cheating on cheaters makes you a cheater yourself, being nothing better than them. If you get a report for cheating on a cheater it is not treated in a special way, it's just another cheat report we process.

Furthermore with this replay been posted (not the replay itself, but the comments for it) you break several site rules. Which is why I will close further discussion, invisibling may follow later.
This post has been edited by doesn't matter: Feb 17 2011, 13:23 PM
#23Maniek  Feb 17 2011, 22:29 PM -
Replays: 207 Game:
I will close further discussion

Hey! I wanted to close it smile.gif
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