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Red Alert 3

Intense fight vs buffalo

#1{DO}-LiquidOCELOT  Mar 12 2017, 07:08 AM -
Very good fight never say die attitude for person who cant seem to fight hammers frog combo
#2Papa_Coming  Mar 12 2017, 08:18 AM -
Replays: 74
very gg
#3Alvin_Tey  Mar 13 2017, 23:55 PM -
Replays: 177
Muhahahaa, tesla noob idiot. 6 ref still lose....
#4Bashley  Mar 14 2017, 23:42 PM -
Replays: 51 Game:
I rly expected more of a game... this was very onesided to the point where the only reason buffalo even lost is because he was being cocky with his twinblades the whole time... the fact that any empire player could let a sovs get to 7 ref just pains me so much...
You really need to harass more, if you keep it going to early to late game it will and never should come to this, buffalo should have won this easy D:
Tengus and VX are your best friend for pissing any soviet players off with 24/7 hit and run XD
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