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Red Alert 3

Cryocopter Micro

#21Maniek  May 10 2009, 17:52 PM -
Replays: 207 Game:
with tab changing the cryo selected and F

huh? it doesn't work like that. tab change only types of units on group not simple unit
#22evotech  May 10 2009, 18:27 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
yeah, idk i think you have to select your group and click like the hotkeys for each one

its hard
#23Slayd_CraVen  May 10 2009, 19:54 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Yeah that time they stood there doing nothing before that SS/TB attack that failed hard was just me numbering them as 2 3 4 5 6 (IFVs were 1) then I made 2 7 so then I had to make 7 back to 2 then I pressed 2 F click 3 F click 4 F click 5 F click 6 F click from a distance and then they all got shrunk at the same time.

Then i was like shit man i fucked up so then my SS/TB saved my ass when the TB ambush came.

And yes, TB + Tengus would have countered my combo pretty well.

Btw Bapor, I was running on 4 refs and 5 cryos were already too much to handle so I thought "hmm chronosphere sounds wicked cool" and then I made one.
I think I deployed the prospector though because tsunamis rip them to shreds and I didn't think it would get to the WF in time.
This post has been edited by Slayd_CraVen: May 10 2009, 19:57 PM
#24evotech  May 10 2009, 20:53 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
You can have them in a group and use the same hotkeys as you use for buildings to select them

i select them all as 3, then use <zx etc to control their secondary, you can still move them as a group, but only the selected will use its secondary
#25Slayd_CraVen  May 10 2009, 21:48 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
I didn't quite get that ohmy.gif
#26Whalecore  May 11 2009, 23:02 PM -
Replays: 41 Game:
Very well played SC

Bapor needed tankbusters to kill your IFVs. Still very well played!!
#27FC.Strike  May 12 2009, 02:30 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I have a name for this very powerful unit combo - "iceFV".

Can we call it CryFV instead?
#28Slayd_CraVen  May 12 2009, 12:16 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
How about "Cryo-IFV"? I already call it that anyway.

You can have them in a group and use the same hotkeys as you use for buildings to select them

i select them all as 3, then use <zx etc to control their secondary, you can still move them as a group, but only the selected will use its secondary

Ooh I just got this. Thanks, it's really useful.
#29KingLeBronLeMazz  May 19 2009, 00:18 AM -
Replays: 0
WOW, what a match!!
Craven, I don't know, I have to say it, I love you(I hope you're a girl :)if not it's okay). Everytime I see that you posted a replay, I download it, make some popcorn and enjoy the show. Thanks, keep them coming, you're my idiol!
wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif
#30Slayd_CraVen  May 19 2009, 03:49 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
laugh.gif Why thank you.
I'm also afraid to say that I'm a guy (my apologies).
I'll try posting more good replays soon but right now I'm pretty inactive because of exams.
This post has been edited by Slayd_CraVen: May 19 2009, 03:49 AM
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