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Rise of the Witch King

JR vs Elite - Goblin Mirror

#11Hellboy  Mar 2 2008, 00:14 AM -
Your wish is my command Mario happy.gif Tagged.
#12JuanRing  Mar 2 2008, 04:21 AM -
Replays: 8 Clan: JR Game:
Well, it i was just trying fast trolls out, i see it was okish , but i just didnt have the eco to get heros like you did, my late game was so poor, as i was just spamming everywhere, but it was a good game

You're well aware of what Trolls are capable of, they're actually too powerful currently - so there's no need for the pretentious labeling of their use as an experiment; and they're quite definitely not only 'okish' in this matchup but one if not the best strategy to go for. As for economy, you easily had a better economy than I did, you were using it up on Trolls and Drake Broods.

Well i was playing in a game when i read in my messenger (...)

Fortunately for you, you couldn't read his in-game chat which consisted of flinging insults at me. wink.gif


Im not trying to troll here, but that game was far away of being a 2vs1, He had heros, many furnaces level 3 apart of cashfloating and had industry. Best game I have seen of Juan was that mirror vs Relatine when he lost because he scouted LOL!!.

You've made it clear on several occasions you didn't like the EaE game. biggrin.gif I'm not quite sure how come, but it was as a matter of fact 2v1, it's either two players playing against two players or two players playing agianst one player - there's no in between. And yes I had Furnaces but I had nothing left in way of my Dwarven base. Glad you liked that Mordor Mirror though, that was an intense game.

Yeah ive been hard there, my apologizes, but I was pissed off of last time i got an Average rating ...

Please - if you have a problem with a rating of one of your replays, send a PM to either a SRR or me and we can re-evaIuate the rating or even the review. You have that perfect opportunity for a re-evaIuation, so please don't keep holding grudges against RRs and generalizing your opinions toward other RRs. I've concealed the post as you mentioned a staff member in a way that borders on trolling, please don't do that again. smile.gif

Watched, really showed two kinds of top playing, one of good spam, skills but lacking on serenity and prudency, and other that kept the calm even if he saw the game was far away from the win.
Steve should won this 100 % sure. I dont know but hes late strategy (making tons of pits, after 5 pit i quited watching) was the worse I have ever seen, maybe he will flame me for this and tell me two faced, but im not, seriously steve your gameplay is quite mechanic and you really have to change it. Its the second time I see you losing games because just spamming. I dk if you realized that spam wouldnt give you the win. If you would aimed for upgrades, instead of making broods, gobs and more broods you would have won the game for sure. Half trolls with upgrades are truly unkillable by drogoth, even if he trys 10 times they also would have kileld azog and shelob in seconds. Broods are good, but if you kept them alive. YOu lost them constantly giving Juan 750 gold each time you did.
This game is fun until the point it gets spammy. I really hated when Steve fucked up the game. This game cant be more than a contender, many msitakes were made, by Juan early-mid game and by steve late-very late game. It isn't a very good style of goblins, noone spider was used, only in late, no upgrades and was far away from being a exciting game.

Well first off I'm sorry you don't find it an exciting game - I haven't watched it myself yet and simply thought it would be a fun watch after having enjoyed playing it. What you don't seem to take into account is how draining a game like this is - if you're playing for over an hour straight, constantly focusing on unit production, harassment, etc., it isn't simple to maintain a concentrated train of strategy. Steve thought he had me - at least so I believe - and was throwing everything he could, as fast as he could, at me to finish me off. It's different if you're sitting there as an observer (actually seeing what I'm doing) or if you're actually in the game - knowing you've destroyed your opponent's fort, and thinking your only a couple steps from finishing him off (he had me down to one Production Building at one point). That's something you need to keep in mind. Steve would have probably had better chances at finishing me off if he had taken his time with getting upgrades and going for heavier units, who knows - but that's something which is very different for your perception as an observer than it is for the perception of a player.

Some of your criticism is very subjective however. You missing Spider Riders for example, I frankly don't understand. In 2.01 this is the one matchup Spider Riders were least effective in (compared to all other matchups) as Goblins are the best anti-harassment faction, best at countering Spider Riders and have the most durable Resource Buildings. They were still useful, but now with Trolls being improved - Trolls are far more effective in the matchup than Spider Riders could be as they can make hordes and hordes of Goblins obsolete. I'd definitely (generally) prefer Trolls to Spider Riders in the matchup in the early-mid phase of the game. As for your comment regarding Drake Broods, I believe Steve just underestimated how effective the Troll's knockover is vs them. He couldn't save them most of the time as they couldn't get off their feet.

That being said, some of your criticism is definitely correct and if Steve had rallied and collected for upgraded and stronger units he may have had better chances (they definitely wouldn't have been 'unkillable', but they would have lasted longer). As said, you just need to gain a little perspective into assessing a player's in-game perception. A 20-30 minute game is far easier to play nicely than a one and a half hour game, especially one played between two spamming factions.

Thanks for tagging it Matija, you don't have to review it any time soon, seeing as it's a very long game and may well be time consuming - just do it whenever you get around to it.
#13Yomi  Mar 2 2008, 06:22 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
In goblin mirror i see drakes are a very bad option, trolls own then so easy, i dont watched replay yet, but everytime i played and saw trolls spamers vs drake spamer, the drake losed.
#14Yomi  Mar 2 2008, 07:09 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Ok i watched.

1- i think Juan got a lot lucky. He could have losed fortress before, and losed his builder.

2- i know why juan have so many money to spam heroes, and i dont saw no one posting it here. He got scarvanger, and it helped him a lot to get money for heroes and to have a good economy even without map control.

3- Sometimes steve was to desperate to kill fortress, sending few units just to certain death.

4- Why the hell steve maked the upgrade building in middle of map??? I really cant understand that.

5- Why steve dont got drogoth ?? Other thing i cant understand..

6- Steve sended many times units without archers attack after juan got drogoth, was just giving free money(scarvenger) , pp and xp to drogoth.

Was a gg !
#15Ivan  Mar 2 2008, 10:04 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
JuanRing - a God of this game. ;-]
#16-Anyhow-  Mar 2 2008, 10:17 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Steve-a God of this game also tongue.gif
Yeh, I talked a lot when said SPiderriders, trolls are much usefull I agree, what I didnt undrstand was why he sent so many units to certain death like yomi said. in late game he could made half trolls you finish you off. Ofcourse I know you can play very good 20 minutes but after this you begin making mistakes as human we are but still he made lots of noobs mistakes no offence, but sending units to finish a fortress is on of the biggest mistakes people make in this game, He gave you, if im not wrong, 250+250+250+250+250+250+250+250+250+250+250+125=2875 to destroy your fortress giving you xp and unit advantage....
I know its very different to observe the game than to play it, I didnt mean he could finished you off, as yeah I can see the whole map and he can't;but as I said, He didnt keep the calm, and lost constantly units, leveled up your heros, didnt make upgrades, he kept getting broods even if he knew he would give you 250 every dragon kill...
Its exciting until the point he destroys the fortress.
#17Geri  Mar 2 2008, 12:56 PM -
I dunno if I think it's a gold or not...steve didnt got any hero in this game which maybe should have been wise esepcially drogoth or shelob. It was even though very entertaining

very wp both of you though smile.gif
This post has been edited by Gerimino: Mar 2 2008, 13:01 PM
#18Gangsta Nun  Mar 2 2008, 13:00 PM -
i'll watch and prolly wub as i love how JuanRing never gives up
#19Hellboy  Mar 2 2008, 15:37 PM -
Well although Trolls pwn drake broods they still have their use in this mu. Goblin warriors simply die in seconds when attacked by broods so they are great anti harass unit in this mu as they are fast and if he won't have trolls in every wave, you will defend many tunnels with them. But i agree that in some point of the game, they totally lose their usage.
#20Steve.  Mar 2 2008, 18:15 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
I really did suck this game. post-13661-1143531603.gif
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