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Rise of the Witch King

tehboohb vs c12d13

#1c12d13  Feb 27 2016, 17:09 PM -
Replays: 10
c12d13 mordor vs tehboohb men
#2 Elendil  Mar 1 2016, 07:41 AM -
Replays: 60 Game:
good game here:) enjoyed watching it:)

one tip c12:
if u care about ur cava a little better some times, u wouldnt be in need to build so much of them.. u sued it nice, but sometimes better let them heal themselves than trying to get one more rb..
seccond thing is go fast lvl 3 harad palace... and elite archers instead of orc archers.. then u win this faster..
u did pikes, but boobh didnt do any cava...one for creep was fine ofc!
dont go felbeast if boobh spams rangers, go catas, or directly for blakc riders1

nice game well played
#3 Elendil  Mar 1 2016, 07:41 AM -
Replays: 60 Game:
good game here:) enjoyed watching it:)

one tip c12:
if u care about ur cava a little better some times, u wouldnt be in need to build so much of them.. u sued it nice, but sometimes better let them heal themselves than trying to get one more rb..
seccond thing is go fast lvl 3 harad palace... and elite archers instead of orc archers.. then u win this faster..
u did pikes, but boobh didnt do any cava...one for creep was fine ofc!
dont go felbeast if boobh spams rangers, go catas, or directly for blakc riders1

nice game well played
#4c12d13  Mar 1 2016, 14:41 PM -
Replays: 10
thnks for tips turgon smile.gif
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