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Rise of the Witch King

New AI on steroids

#1brabox  May 8 2016, 22:39 PM -
Replays: 97 Game:
The AI was reworked for 6.0 and it's pretty insane actually. Especially lumber mill factions are terrifying with a seemingly endless supply of money.

Me: Men
Brutal: Isengard

May seem easy, but I found beating the AI isn't simple at all. If you harass well, they still have 1.5x the money you have, and can simply spam heroes, wildmen with torches and siege.

Played on Erech cause AIs always seemed better on custom maps than foi2, where they screw up their farms or something.

I guess goblins/mordor AI is harder.
#2TheRingisHot  May 9 2016, 07:20 AM -
Replays: 19 Game:
yea it's pretty tough
#3Excelsior  May 9 2016, 09:51 AM -
And it doesn't end there; I intend to make a lot more specific improvements in future.
#4 Elendil  May 12 2016, 05:23 AM -
Replays: 60 Game:
is harassment useful vs brutal AI´s?
idk how they got changed... if they care about cp or not;)
otherwise would be better to go for their pbs....

2 towers in mid brabox;) u stopped pushing and let them come^^
and u get them!
#5brabox  May 12 2016, 10:13 AM -
Replays: 97 Game:
is harassment useful vs brutal AI´s?
idk how they got changed... if they care about cp or not;)
otherwise would be better to go for their pbs....

2 towers in mid brabox;) u stopped pushing and let them come^^
and u get them!

AIs are limited by how much money they earn, they just get twice as much. It's handy to take their PBs (I took some uruk pits pretty early), but I'm not sure how well completely focussing on PBs would work.

Sure, the AI is easier to beat by making archers in towers + cav for harassing I guess. Still, it's hard to get to that point.
#6Excelsior  May 12 2016, 10:45 AM -
In most match-ups against the new AI, you'll find yourself overwhelmed, especially early-game. The best way to fend off the AI until such a time that you've gained some ground, is to recruit a lot if archers.

Harrassing isn't as effective, as the AI has double the resources and is quick to rebuild whatever they lose. The AI also tends to recruit 5+ builders mid / late game which allows them to tend to their base quickly. Obviously, harrassing is vital regardless of what I've said as earning PPs is very important.

I think you played well, Brabox. I think you should have rebuilt your Marketplace after you had lost it, though.
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