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Rise of the Witch King

Moon landing was hoax

#1brabox  Jun 25 2016, 20:24 PM -
Replays: 97 Game:
Ok now that I got your attention, watch this replay.

Was dwarves (me) vs goblins (Nemo onhost)

Tip: Watch this with Mauhúr's Dwarf guide next to it and make a giant list of what I did wrong.
This post has been edited by brabox: Jun 26 2016, 11:11 AM
#2Mako  Jun 26 2016, 15:00 PM -
Replays: 63 Game:
first. Don't play DW. their tunnel sysyem is awful smile.gif
#3TheRingisHot  Jun 27 2016, 09:39 AM -
Replays: 19 Game:
Would blame the loss on two things really:

1) Your start was pulled off quite well with a solid defense and no mine lost, but your choice of troops was less ideal. If you want to bring that rockhard blockpower alias 2 raxes you should get at least one bw before your second rax.
Without it you got continously stuck in his gobspam, which bought him time and in the end rendered your attacks mostly ineffective.
So in conclusion you basically start the way you did, with the subtle change of building the forge + bw before your second rax or archery range.
I personally prefer the archery range tbh, bcz with bw leadership your one barracks produces enough shield material, while your axes gonna kill. In the end you will need MoD anyway to counter drogo, who's easier to afford than in most mu's due to scavenger being really powerful.

2) You were overeager in trying to press defeat on your opponent after the first few minutes, eventually leaving mines unprotected and walking huge distances on foot. With your well pulled off start you want to try to continue increasing your map control and overall presence. Always keep at least one batallion in the mines and use your bw + notorious Guardian/Phalanx stack to cause as much distraction and havoc as possible, while using the time to expand. When you feel ready go in from both sides
Also try to scout for spiderpit, while you push in with them distraction stacks, though dont lose your bw
This post has been edited by TheRingisHot: Jun 27 2016, 09:45 AM
#4DJ_Premier  Jun 27 2016, 16:26 PM -

Replays: 53 Game:
Would've raged quit as soon as he stole that money from the first lair.
I find 2 rax difficult to use in this mu, much prefer axes personally.

What is the reason for brand in this mu only use i can think is countering drogo later on but before that he seems pretty redundant against gob spam plus gets murdered if caught out of position
#5MauHúR  Jun 27 2016, 20:07 PM -

Replays: 161 Game:
Would've raged quit as soon as he stole that money from the first lair.
I find 2 rax difficult to use in this mu, much prefer axes personally.

What is the reason for brand in this mu only use i can think is countering drogo later on but before that he seems pretty redundant against gob spam plus gets murdered if caught out of position

He snipes Spiders, but those would only be triggered by a BW.
#6brabox  Jun 27 2016, 21:33 PM -
Replays: 97 Game:

What is the reason for brand in this mu only use i can think is countering drogo later on but before that he seems pretty redundant against gob spam plus gets murdered if caught out of position

I bought Brand at the moment I saw his spider riders.

Would blame the loss on two things really:

1) Your start was pulled off quite well with a solid defense and no mine lost, but your choice of troops was less ideal. If you want to bring that rockhard blockpower alias 2 raxes you should get at least one bw before your second rax.
Without it you got continously stuck in his gobspam, which bought him time and in the end rendered your attacks mostly ineffective.

My attacks clearly weren't pulled off well. Map control is more important than harassing with Dwarves,I feel. If your attacks get stuck (like mine), at least use that time to gain more map control (especially along the sides), I failed to do that mainly due to my lost builder. I should've waited with that bigger attack until I had a new one.

I kinda stopped building BWs vs gobs because of lings, but now that BWs can retreat into mines again, I might start reusing them.
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