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Rise of the Witch King

4v4 in World

#1Muadd  Oct 10 2016, 22:48 PM -
Typical megan leaving after 5 mins. Some 3v4 action
Muadd Men
Meg Isen
Mauhur Elw
Silma Mordor

Murat DW
Sleeper Gob
May gob
The glutenmaster gob

#2Megrim  Oct 10 2016, 23:08 PM -
Replays: 22
Typical megan leaving after 5 mins. Some 3v4 action


I wouldnt if you didnt fuck up every second game. You cant even beat any decent player in 1v1 these days. #they all are better than you now.
#3Excelsior  Oct 10 2016, 23:38 PM -
Wold, for the 1000th time. biggrin.gif Will check this game out. 3v4s never disappoint.
#4sleeper  Oct 12 2016, 18:17 PM -
compared to hunters replays this one is shit!
#5Muadd  Oct 12 2016, 19:37 PM -
compared to hunters replays this one is shit!

#6May-ShadowFax  Oct 14 2016, 13:31 PM -
Replays: 162
I was so tired that day I didn't even spam, it is hard to play when you're sleepy ( True fact)
#7Excelsior  Oct 17 2016, 01:08 AM -
Really good game. Nicely played, everyone.

P.S. Muadd, the fact that you forgot to build a Marketplace made me cringe so bad.
#8Muadd  Oct 17 2016, 04:28 AM -
Really good game. Nicely played, everyone.

P.S. Muadd, the fact that you forgot to build a Marketplace made me cringe so bad.

Ye prolly should had made that fucker but i had double eco with normal cp limit so me or my team didnt lack money that game
#9Excelsior  Oct 17 2016, 10:23 AM -
Really good game. Nicely played, everyone.

P.S. Muadd, the fact that you forgot to build a Marketplace made me cringe so bad.

Ye prolly should had made that fucker but i had double eco with normal cp limit so me or my team didnt lack money that game

Yeah, you guys were on form. At one point, I thought there was a bug in the game when I saw MotW heroes coming out of the Isengard fortress. I obviously missed the part where Meg left. You should have saved an Isengard builder before your forward base went down.
#10Muadd  Oct 17 2016, 10:46 AM -
Really good game. Nicely played, everyone.

P.S. Muadd, the fact that you forgot to build a Marketplace made me cringe so bad.

Ye prolly should had made that fucker but i had double eco with normal cp limit so me or my team didnt lack money that game

Yeah, you guys were on form. At one point, I thought there was a bug in the game when I saw MotW heroes coming out of the Isengard fortress. I obviously missed the part where Meg left. You should have saved an Isengard builder before your forward base went down.

Meg left after 5 mins or so and the game lasted 50mins or something : D
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