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Rise of the Witch King

[Semis] Game 4 vs andy #2 #3 #4

Fords of Isen
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#11MauHúR  Apr 26 2017, 14:25 PM -

Replays: 161 Game:
QUOTE(Turgon @ Today, 11:33 AM)
since this is my fav mu when i am mordor, i feel like i need to say something about it^^
im not 100% sure if it was the game where luke started cava, but if it was then creep start for mordor wasnt bad at all...
u just stuck with that palce for too long, faster pit, after u stuck with 1 palace 1 pit too long...
further more are trolls pretty useless, should went mos earlier or black riders with that industrie...
catas Black riders and some harad archers win u the game

That's not true, even though most ppl assume that a creep start would be good in this case. But matter of the fact is that you will just always be out of position with these Easterlings when your plan was to creep with them, no matter which lair you chose and the Lancers will for sure get 1 farm, often 2. Also the transition that Luke did was fast enough that the Easterlings wouldnt have found any counter damage either cause Andy creeping just gives Luke enough time to get swords out. Noones going to build a 2nd Easterling bat either, if you creep then you wanna follow it up with Harad Lancers asap. So as paradox as it sounds, creep starts are one of the worst you could do vs. a Lancer start, at least as Mordor.

Also Trolls are NOT useless in this MU, most people just tend to get too greedy with them and go in deeper than they have to in order to get 1 more tree. If you just kill 1, pull out and come back 30 secs later or from another angle, then 1-2 Mountain Trolls can totally pay off in this MU, and Drummers are mandatory anyway. Just look at how much Andy's single troll actually got done, all a question of execution.
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