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Rise of the Witch King

Really Good 4v4

#11Phoenix  Sep 3 2015, 22:20 PM -
Wtf Why did both teams have the darkness buff? Isnt that impossible.

Yep, it should be impossible, but not when cast at exactly the same time. It's not the first time I've seen this.

This sounds like a bug tongue.gif. Shouldn't Darkness always cancel someone else's Darkness normally? There is no such thing as "same time" with computers. Something always happens before something else even if both players had clicked the button at the same time. So if we have two Darkness FXs on opposite teams going on at once, we have a problem.
#12Lazarus°  Sep 4 2015, 00:57 AM -
Replays: 49 Game:
There is no such thing as "same time" with computers. .

Yeah but games works on "ticks" (~30 ms in RotWK). Using something in exactly same tick is nearly impossible so lets treat it as ester egg not as bug ^^
This post has been edited by Lazarus°: Sep 4 2015, 04:03 AM
#13TheDestroyer001  Sep 4 2015, 17:48 PM -
Replays: 33 Game:
I knew the double darkness happened in this game before making a cast and still didn't notice it while casting XD. It did indeed happen though. Weird
#14Excelsior  Sep 5 2015, 18:34 PM -
Wtf Why did both teams have the darkness buff? Isnt that impossible.

Yep, it should be impossible, but not when cast at exactly the same time. It's not the first time I've seen this.

This sounds like a bug tongue.gif. Shouldn't Darkness always cancel someone else's Darkness normally? There is no such thing as "same time" with computers. Something always happens before something else even if both players had clicked the button at the same time. So if we have two Darkness FXs on opposite teams going on at once, we have a problem.

If it's just the FX then it's not such a big deal (seeing as this doesn't happen often). However, if this includes the attribute modifiers, then we indeed do have a big problem.
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