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Rise of the Witch King

wolveriders bug

#1Megrim  Nov 17 2016, 22:09 PM -
Replays: 22
check this replay, when i finished my wolvebuilding i bought wolfriders for 350, it was substracted from my res but my thrallmaster didnt give a fuck and just did nothing. This is the first time i saw that bug.
I didnt buy anything else for 350res at that time and my builders did nothing as well. Dont know whats wrong there.

dont know facs anymore and doesnt matter, just uploaded to show that bug
This post has been edited by Megrim: Nov 17 2016, 22:13 PM
#2Mako  Nov 17 2016, 22:19 PM -
Replays: 63 Game:
I had similar for orcs last 4v4.. But my game are so laggy that idk.

I'm always for the idea to remove Ang thrall system (but i know that all says it is their main feature). Bullshits
#3Megrim  Nov 17 2016, 22:23 PM -
Replays: 22
I had similar for orcs last 4v4.. But my game are so laggy that idk.

I'm always for the idea to remove Ang thrall system (but i know that all says it is their main feature). Bullshits

Its one thing if thrall dont build coz of lag you have to click twice but its other thing when you actually lose your res and your thrall doesnt build. Its big problem, those wolveriders are buggy anyway when they dont move sometimes but having no wolveriders at all and still losing 350 is even worse. thrallsystem tarded imo anyways
#4Mako  Nov 17 2016, 23:12 PM -
Replays: 63 Game:
I had similar for orcs last 4v4.. But my game are so laggy that idk.

I'm always for the idea to remove Ang thrall system (but i know that all says it is their main feature). Bullshits

Its one thing if thrall dont build coz of lag you have to click twice but its other thing when you actually lose your res and your thrall doesnt build. Its big problem, those wolveriders are buggy anyway when they dont move sometimes but having no wolveriders at all and still losing 350 is even worse. thrallsystem tarded imo anyways

I saw a sort of "activing power" or thrallmaster to recuir orc but stuck. I will chek if i have that rep.
#5Excelsior  Nov 18 2016, 09:02 AM -
That's an interesting one. Were you able to repurchase the upgrade again? What exactly happened to the purchase button?
#6Mako  Nov 18 2016, 10:09 AM -
Replays: 63 Game:
I lost rep and i didn't remember. Sometimes my games a really laggy so i can't notice these bugs
#7TaDa!  Nov 18 2016, 10:18 AM -
Replays: 58 Game:
That's an interesting one. Were you able to repurchase the upgrade again? What exactly happened to the purchase button?

Well u can see it if choose Megrim mode. 350 just gone somewhere and he wasnt able to recruit them again till he get 350 again. I posted some bug with thralls too - http://www.gamereplays.org/riseofthewitchk...s&id=313532 But there money didnt go. I just had only 1 option - to recruit axe throwers.
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