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Rise of the Witch King

elven heroes>dwarven heroes+upgrades+powers+...

#1Amras Kalaelen  Aug 25 2010, 13:09 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
TheFallen: Dwarves
Emotional: Elves

I never thought for a second that I have a sure victory but when Emotional turned the tide I was stunned... I have to improve my tactic...
really great playing man smile.gif
#2CirillA  Aug 25 2010, 13:16 PM -
gg mate. was a jokes of a game.. i layed back and messed around and managed to win. wp for keeping me at it
#3Elrohir  Aug 26 2010, 16:32 PM -

- Don't get Siege Hammers and Forge Blades, definately not first anyway. They're useless when you're being sniped by his archers.
- I think upgraded Catapults would have won you the game.
- You need to take much much much better care of your Battlewagons.
- Try to keep your forces a bit more together. He had no trouble fighting you off (getting tons of PP and levels).

- don't spam heroes like that :P
#4PinkMan  Sep 2 2010, 19:32 PM -
Replays: 55 Game:
I'm downloadnig the replay
#5PinkMan  Sep 4 2010, 05:32 AM -
Replays: 55 Game:
Gg both , I enjoyed watching the replay , Amras made a few mistakes , and they costed him the game ,and a nice comeback also smile.gif
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