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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

FdP vs [FW]

#11Hellboy  Sep 12 2007, 18:13 PM -
Pfff, i watch the replay and for first 5 minutes it was ok, then suddenly no one does nothing but cashfloat blink.gif , then elf suicides his horses and dwarf suicides his brand to mod summon and dwarf finaly moves his army a bit and thats only action in abouth 15 minutes of the game. All players had 10k of money and beacons were apearing on strange places. Then i realised somehow the replay is corrupted 0wn3d.gif
This post has been edited by HellboyMC: Sep 12 2007, 18:17 PM
#12Replaysystem  Jun 10 2009, 09:26 AM -

Replays: 0
A new review is available for this replay. Please click here to view KillerAliG's review, who gave it a score of 8.5.
#13KillerAliG  Jun 10 2009, 09:35 AM -
Replays: 4
and khatiam was good in this game thought

yea thanks biggrin.gif
it was very funny to play and very hard at start coz of power of dwarf lol

Yes indeed espicially the men of dales power.
#14KillerAliG  Jun 10 2009, 09:37 AM -
Replays: 4
and khatiam was good in this game thought

yea thanks biggrin.gif
it was very funny to play and very hard at start coz of power of dwarf lol

Yes indeed espicially the men of dales power.

Yeah but it didn't make much difference anyway.

I'm out for the night good night
#15KillerAliG  Jun 10 2009, 09:38 AM -
Replays: 4
and khatiam was good in this game thought

yea thanks biggrin.gif
it was very funny to play and very hard at start coz of power of dwarf lol

Yes indeed espicially the men of dales power.

Yeah but it didn't make much difference anyway.

I'm out for the night good night
#16TheShadowEffect  Sep 17 2009, 06:23 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Pfff, i watch the replay and for first 5 minutes it was ok, then... 0wn3d.gif

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