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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

[R] Blade vs EoE GG

#1LordNerevar  May 8 2007, 18:36 PM -
Replays: 40 Game:
This was a good game IMO. I was isen and I play better last days which result in some nice wins biggrin.gif Review please!


Review by: Thorin^

Starting positions:
Dwarves/EoE|^SkandalouZ - West
Isengard/Blade|Dagon - East


An alright game overall, the Dwarven player made a lot of crucial mistakes which eventually cost him the game, but the Isengard player knew what to do in this matchup, so he started out with a Wildmen start. He expected him to take the Inns, which he should have done, but he didn't and he just attacked the base with a few Guardians. Quickly using 2 Clan Steadings, the endless waves of Wildmen were too much for EoE and slowly, but surely he was subdued, although he never really had a chance to win. At the end, Dagon rushed in some FU Wargs and with Howl they took out the Fortress pretty easily even when he had used Rebuild. Overall, an average game, but pretty much one-sided and a lot of mistakes on the Dwarven side.


Not really good from you, you made a lot of crucial mistakes, which cost you the game. First off, change your BO. Go for Mine --> HoW --> Phalanx --> Mine near Inn --> Guardian. Also, build your RB's at 97%, so they won't take up as much space as 100% and will still produce maximum resources. Don't leave your builders standing next to just built buildings, this way they will only get killed. Another thing, don't send your entire army after just one unit. If you wanna take it out, just take what's necessary and kill it, but not your entire army as you can use the remaining units to attack him. Harass more and be more aggressive as well, you need to lock him in his base in order to kill him, if you don't, he'll expand and take map control.
    Tips for improvement
  • Use Mine --> HoW --> Phalanx --> Mine near Inn --> Guardian.
  • Build RB's at 97%
  • Don't leave your builders next to just built buildings, they will only get killed this way.
  • Harass more and be more aggressive.
  • Don't send your entire army after one unit.


You played pretty good, you knew what to do in this matchup and thus you won the game, even though he wasn't a very good Dwarven player overall. There are a few things I'd like to point out though, first off attack via the flanks to prevent him from expanding up to your base and to surprise him more, if you attack from two sides, not even the Mine system can help to fend off both attacks properly. Also, be a tad more aggressive, there were a few times when you could have easily harassed and attacked him, but you didn't. Another thing, Wildmen stealth in trees, so if you wanna let them regenerate, you can hide them in the trees. Don't trample Guardians head on with Wargs, they will just die especially if you try to let them trample on. Last, but definately not least, upgrade your Fort with Murder of Crows, this way you'll spot all his Forward Mines and sneak attacks.
    Tips for improvement
  • Upgrade your Fortress with Murder of Crows to be able to see every Forward Mine of him.
  • Be a bit more aggressive, try to put pressure on him at all times with harassment or another way.
  • Wildmen stealth in trees, so use this to your advantage.
  • Don't trample Guardians head on with Wargs, they will only die.

Overall Rating: 4
This post has been edited by Thorin^: May 11 2007, 18:32 PM
#2Thorin  May 11 2007, 15:29 PM -
Mine happy.gif
#3LordNerevar  May 11 2007, 19:03 PM -
Replays: 40 Game:
Another pr0 review Thorin. ty wink.gif
#4wraith995  May 12 2007, 10:29 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Dagon ftw tbh. gettin more pro every match.
#5LordNerevar  May 12 2007, 11:19 AM -
Replays: 40 Game:
Ty wraith tongue.gif wink.gif
This post has been edited by darksith113: May 12 2007, 11:19 AM
#6iLLeGaL  Nov 14 2007, 10:51 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Well Played.
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