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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

[R] Dwarves vs Motw

#1Firehe@d  May 3 2007, 17:04 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
a good cw,...shows great usage of soldiers by him biggrin.gif

rewiew plz


Review by: Thorin^

Starting positions:
Dwarves/CL|Thief` - West
MotW/sCHmiddiii - East


A pretty decent game overall, with some mistakes from the dwarven player, which cost him the game. The MotW player was relentless in his pressure and his harassment was very effective, destroying a lot of Mines. However, it wasn't easy for him as the Thief` managed to defend very well and made a few good raids too. KoDA were used quite a lot, although they did not win the game for sCHmiddiii, who let them ran into pikes quite a few times. The huge FU soldier army he massed at the end was too hard for Thief` to beat and it owned him. Overall, a pretty decent game with a few mistakes here and there.


You played an alright game, although it wasn't flawless and you made quite a few crucial mistakes. First off, let the HoW and the Mine face each other so the unit gets in faster. You lost your base mine after a while, rebuild it as soon as possible, otherwise the connection to your base gets really bad. You left your builders next to just built Mines a couple of times and lost them, don't do this, garrison them into the mine. You also lost the inn to him after a while, use Phalanxes to creep the Troll Lair near the other Inn and take that one, you can destroy the first one. A mix of Guardians + Phalanxes would have been better than just Phalanxes as Soldiers countered that quite good. BW's are really useful vs Soldiers, get them as well. Just don't trample Soldiers head on, just trample the sides constantly. Last, expand more in the remote areas, your economy was quite bad especially in comparison to his.
    Tips for improvement
  • Let the Mine and HoW face eachother.
  • Rebuild the base Mine asap if lost.
  • Spam a mix of Guardians + Phalanxes and a few BW's.
  • Should have retaken the inn or the other one.
  • Expand more in remote areas.

A pretty good game from you, you put a lot of pressure on him, which was really hard for him to deal with. Your soldier spam at the start was countered by his MoD, but you quickly retaliated with Rohirrim, later on followed by KoDA. Your soldier army at the end was too much for him to defeat and you overwhelmed him. However, you did make a few mistakes. You should always build your RB's, farms in this case, at 97%. Try not to cashfloat as well, rather spend it on whatever you think is useful at that time. You should have sneaked some KoDA in the back of his base and taken his Fort out rather than going for the nearest building.
    Tips for improvement
  • Build Farms at 97%.
  • Try not to cashfloat, it's much better to spend it on something than just letting it pile up.
  • Sneak in some KoDA and take out his Fortress, RC them if you can.
  • Retreat Gandalf when he has cast his spell, he's not a melee hero but a spellcaster.
Overall Rating: 4
This post has been edited by Thorin^: May 3 2007, 19:30 PM
#2Thorin  May 3 2007, 17:07 PM -
Mine biggrin.gif
#3Thorin  May 3 2007, 19:31 PM -
Done biggrin.gif
#4Firehe@d  May 4 2007, 13:07 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
tnx for the pro fast rewiew happy.gif
#5iLLeGaL  Nov 14 2007, 10:38 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Well Played.
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