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StarCraft 2

Starcraft 2 Beginner's Guide

Creep is a unique living Zerg organism that spreads throughout the terrain and nourishes Zerg structures and Larvae. In Starcraft 2, Creep has been made more important than in the original Starcraft In terms of gameplay, Creep create several effects that can be benefits or disadvantages.

The facts

  • All Zerg structures, except the Hatchery, Extractor, and Nydus Worm, must be built on Creep. Spine/Spore Crawlers may only root themselves on Creep.
  • Terran and Protoss structures cannot be built on Creep. Structures that have already been built may be surrounded by creep but are otherwise unaffected. Furthemore, Terran structures cannot land on Creep but can lift off when surrounded.
  • Zerg structures not within Creep take 2 damage per second and can eventually die, Larvae instantly die without Creep.
  • All Zerg units except Drones and air units move 30% faster on creep. With the exception of Hydralisks that move 50% faster on creep, Spine/Spore Crawlers that move 150% faster on creep and the Queens get a staggering 170% boost.
  • When a generator has been destroyed, Creep will reside gradually over 30 seconds.
  • Creep has no affiliation and affects all players equally.

Creep can be generated by:

  • Hatcheries
  • The Queen's "Create Creep Tumor" ability. A Creep Tumour expands creep in its area. Each tumour also has a one-use ability to spawn another tumour. This allows a single tumour to continually expand creep by creating a chain of tumours.
  • The Overlord's "Excrete Creep" ability. Once a Lair has been built, Overlords can generate Creep while standing still.
  • Nydus Worms automatically spread some creep once built.
As one can see, Creep has several gameplay implications. Zerg players should expand their Creep as much as possible to utilize the benefits. One of the best ways to do this is with a Creep Tumour, as a single one can start a chain of tumours to invade the map with Creep.

In addition to increasing the area of where one can build, Creep also boosts movement speed of nearly all Zerg ground units. This is a significant bonus that should not be ignored. Defensively Creep can be used to stop proxy structures, and makes it easier for units to defend thanks to the speed bonus, besides all this Creep enables you to root Spine/Spore Crawlers in more places.

As it stops Terran and Protoss structures from being built on it, this gives Creep some offensive potential too. As there will be many Overlords, Zerg players should use them to aid in expanding Creep.

Since Creep has no affiliation and affects all players equally, this makes Zerg mirror matches interesting. All Zerg players will benefit from Creep, even if the player did not create it. For example, Zerg units will benefit from the movement speed boost and defensive structures can be built on "enemy" Creep.

Using Creep to Deny Expansions

As mentioned before, Creep stops Terran and Protoss structures from being built on it. This can be used to a Zerg player's advantage by positioning Overlords at potential expansions and using their ability to generate Creep and prevent expansions from being built. This can be quite effective in delaying expansions and forces as the opponent needs to kill the Overlord first. It is especially useful in stopping Terran Command Centers from simply landing on secluded islands as regular ground units can reach the island to fend off the Overlord.

If one gets the chance, Creep Tumours may also be used. These can are even more annoying as they are burrowed and require a detector to be seen. The tumour should be placed carefully if the Zerg player plans to expand there later on (I.E placed close enough to spread creep but not directly where a Hatchery would be placed). A Nydus Worm can be used to quickly get some starter creep and a queen on the spot.