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StarCraft 2

2v2 scrubs getting stomped for trash talking

#1Chicken Chaser  Aug 12 2010, 21:02 PM -
Replays: 459
mid/late game my partner DCs and they think it's game over. i decided to stay and turn the tide of the battle. i rape their bases and they rage quit. i checked the opp's profiles and they are bonafide silver players. After the match I pmed the terran player gg and he raged more about his partner sucking (bad building placement etc.)... shrug, might be true, but my partner did a horrendous job throwing his gates/pylons. you'll see i had 5 ultra at one point but only 1 was able to fight. it's not a really high level game just funny to see me win in the end. end-game is only part really worth watching

[Involves a mothership.]
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