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StarCraft 2

Rekatan(Z) vs JEM(T) - Queenfest 2010!

Shakuras Plateau
Shakuras Plateau
#11Rekatan  Oct 15 2010, 21:51 PM -
I loled at those queens slowly creeping in his base that was hilarious it took him a while to react too.. GG Wubbed

Haha ya if there was a point in this game that he played poorly it was not noticing tthe blob of red sloooooooowly creeping up his minimap.
#12Sjonnie  Oct 16 2010, 01:39 AM -
Replays: 0
It was painful to see your hydralisks die when you pushed into the terran base (and even more painful to see the slow reaction of the terran tongue.gif ). 2/3 of them weren't fighting, pathfinding issues, you should have overwhelmed the terran easily if you paid attention to it.
And why didnt you upgrade the range of your hydras?

Fun game to watch tho.
#13Rekatan  Oct 16 2010, 03:41 AM -
It was painful to see your hydralisks die when you pushed into the terran base (and even more painful to see the slow reaction of the terran tongue.gif ). 2/3 of them weren't fighting, pathfinding issues, you should have overwhelmed the terran easily if you paid attention to it.
And why didnt you upgrade the range of your hydras?

Fun game to watch tho.

Holy crap yer right?!? How in the world did I forget grooved spines LOL! I haven't forgotten that in what's been probably since early bw days sad.gif

Ya, the moral of the story of that second to last engagement is that mass queens doesn't lend itself well to multi-pronged attack. I was occupied managing the banelings/speedlings for a short bit and came back to realize I should have been transfusing/managing the hydras.
#14NatoGIC  Oct 17 2010, 12:38 PM -
Replays: 29
Very fun game! Great queen opener, and the master movement of this game IMO was the bilateral atack, it really fu** the enemys economy if did right like u did, though it was painfull to watch like 8-10 banelings die to kill a single thor lol! They could have helped the hydras since zerglings alone take good care of his scvs =)

Great skill man!
#15Nota_De_Muerte  Oct 18 2010, 09:13 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Nice play man, good to see another zerg doing the mass queen strat, or anything new in general, i like how u skipped roaches all together and utilized ur Hydras very well, althogh, i wouldve love to see some ultras in action!

great game, wubbed
#16Rekatan  Oct 18 2010, 10:22 AM -
Nice play man, good to see another zerg doing the mass queen strat, or anything new in general, i like how u skipped roaches all together and utilized ur Hydras very well, althogh, i wouldve love to see some ultras in action!

great game, wubbed

Ya I generally skip the useless-lisk for the time being, as well, it's useless... lisk...

Players like fruitdealer use it as it's a quick way to dump resources, but if we make a direct comparison resource to resource - roaches, hydras, queens, above all, broodlords, are significantly more efficient by the time they die, so I always use broodlords instead, as a a group of 6-10 broodlords with queens transfusing/shooing away air will kill 3-4 thors, 6-8 tanks, etc, before the first broodlord goes down. Ultras can't come close to making that statement, even with transfusions. They're just that much of a joke sad.gif
#17Ender Wiggin  Oct 19 2010, 01:09 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Ya i totally agree rek...and that new patch for the thors makes it so they can annihilate ultras...hmmm a range unit that also has antiair capabilities that can defeat the top tier unit for zerg without being touched?...i don't think thors are imba just that ultras are useless haha
#18SELECTSTART.TV  Oct 19 2010, 02:02 AM -
Replays: 0
Fantastic Game! I loved Rek's control of this game and his unorthodox Queen play was awesome to see!
#19Rekatan  Oct 19 2010, 03:54 AM -
Ya i totally agree rek...and that new patch for the thors makes it so they can annihilate ultras...hmmm a range unit that also has antiair capabilities that can defeat the top tier unit for zerg without being touched?...i don't think thors are imba just that ultras are useless haha

Yeh, it's a sad state of affairs sad.gif
#20Rekatan  Oct 19 2010, 03:56 AM -
Fantastic Game! I loved Rek's control of this game and his unorthodox Queen play was awesome to see!

Thx for casting it! Checkin it out now.
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