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StarCraft 2

LiquidJinro vs SlayerSBoXeR

Blistering Sands
Blistering Sands
Terran LiquidJinro
show winner
Terran SlayerSBoXeR
#1Lynskey  Jan 7 2011, 10:34 AM -
Source: LiquidJinro Laddering
#2Lynskey  Jan 7 2011, 15:16 PM -
Jinro uses Helions to counter Boxer's marine spam, from there the game gets a bit crazy. Highly recommended.
#3datruth29  Jan 7 2011, 22:08 PM -
Replays: 0
Showcase of what you can do with a mobile armory vs. a static army.
#4WonderWall  Jan 8 2011, 21:15 PM -
must see of january
#5*RaYz3r*  Jan 9 2011, 06:16 AM -
love how boxer plays ^^
#6United_Strafes  Jan 9 2011, 08:21 AM -
Wow HoF material imo.
#7MicroPlex  Jan 9 2011, 15:40 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
GG... Boxer is untouchable, and whats up strafes...
#8Ampersand  Jan 9 2011, 20:01 PM -
Wonder what would have happened if Jinro a-moved to base trade.

But he was under a lot of pressure from the mid game on and probably couldn't do that mentally.
#9SELECTSTART.TV  Jan 10 2011, 14:20 PM -
Replays: 0
This is a really solid game that shows some awesome bio versus mech play. Boxer really seemed to get Jinro confused in the late game and I think Jinro could have been more aggressive against the gold expansion of Boxer.

In the end, Jinro let himself get picked apart by the awesome macro skills of Boxer. Even though the game was a bit long it was absolutely packed with great battles!

Hope some more Boxer replays surface. When I saw this game last night I had to cast it on the spot for my website. Watch this and you know why people like watching Boxer play. =D
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