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StarCraft 2

Did I just beat a Masters league player?

Akilon Wastes
Akilon Wastes
Protoss Protostitute
show winner
Terran ShtimpletinS
#1Protostitute  Apr 5 2013, 21:26 PM -
As the title suggests... did I?

The loading screen showed his portrait border as Masters league. I asked him if he was Masters League in game and he said "No"...but given the border around his portrait I thought he may be a smurf and just denying it.

So, lucky for me, I rolled Protoss which is my best race, and I decided if this guy IS a smurf (which I do not know), then I will do the most abusive build I could possibly think of and try to take a win.

After the game, even though he said he wasn't Masters in game, I checked his profile and it says Masters league. He was Diamond/Masters off and on in WoL, and his match history shows him playing other Master league players, though his play didn't seem like Masters league.

So what gives, is this a glitch, or is he Masters or what?
#2Ang3lic  Apr 6 2013, 04:56 AM -

Replays: 115 Game:
Looks like its a master league player.
#3Protostitute  Apr 7 2013, 13:52 PM -
Looks like its a master league player.

I'm still skeptical. What kind of Masters level player loses an SCV to probe harass?
#4Ang3lic  Apr 7 2013, 19:23 PM -

Replays: 115 Game:
Looks like its a master league player.

I'm still skeptical. What kind of Masters level player loses an SCV to probe harass?

I don't know, but according to his bnet profile hes master league. Perhaps people are selling ML + accounts to noobs? or maybe the account was hijacked?

E - If you mouse over a players name you can click the "Bnet" profile to checkout his stats. smile.gif
#5Protostitute  Apr 7 2013, 20:57 PM -
Oh ok, thanks. I see that he pretty much only plays Zerg.
#6Ang3lic  Apr 7 2013, 21:06 PM -

Replays: 115 Game:
Oh ok, thanks. I see that he pretty much only plays Zerg.

No problem!
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