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Supreme Commander

Learning Experience

#1Buzz_Litebeer  Feb 26 2007, 04:12 AM -
Replays: 6
Note, I am not the best player in the world. I am working on my upper level play after T1 starts becoming less effective. Anyway, on this map I thought I had the game wrapped up, and then I was comm assassinated by T3 strategic bombers I did not even know were being built!

It just goes to show that one should scout the area well, even areas which no one should be building.

Anyway, if you have pointers you could give me on build order etc... that would be great. Other than scouting what other tips can you give me?
This post has been edited by Buzz_Litebeer: Feb 26 2007, 04:15 AM
#2Buzz_Litebeer  Feb 27 2007, 16:53 PM -
Replays: 6
I was hoping for SOME reply at least, maybe even a "You suck, stop posting sucky replays" or something.
#3Deltrax  Feb 28 2007, 00:57 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Hey Buzz, I just registered to reply here. Congrats on getting my 1st post.

Okay this was a really surprising game to watch. Great rush tacktics, you took out 2 bases yourself. Was watching from both your perspective aswell as bagelrain's. I never noticed the base down below. Untill I thought where do those bombers came from.

Assasination has it's pro's and con's, basicly you ARE the commander, so if your avatar dies, you die. It's realistic, but you could have won, or seriously damaged bagelrain. You could have survived were it not for those scouts drawing the AA. So my advice, as a new SC player but as a vet TA player:
- Spread your base, you're going for the full unit defence, so you need a new factory everywhere next to new mex spots (metal extractors)
- Annexate, buid mexes (and defence or factories) in new won areas.
- Tech up your commander, it's shield could have saved you from the first bomber run.
- Use more different units, mix in more AA and more scouts. Sure scouts don't survive the first hit, but it means that hit wouldn't have killed your better units and as a bonus, you'll hit better because you actually SEE his units (instead of radar blips).
- I was missing your missile launchers and artillery, they do much damage, and being out of the range of point defences should draw his units out of the shield. Or alternatively, kill off the shield to move in your siegebots. (his shielded commander did alot of damage!)
Also as for baseplacement, massstorage enhances mex and mfabs, so use them more. Tech up your mexes faster, sure it's a drain on your econ, but you'll come out stronger. Level 1 rushing works wonders, but sometimes you can better spend the same metal into expensive units instead of swarming.
It's a shame your teammates were both going full and semi air, would have suspected that they would have some fightersupport.
Watch the replay again, you'll notice a scout is near the white base the whole time. If you don't notice that .. then you'll never notice a stealth field.
Respect, nice game, surprising end!!! I know for sure next time you'll play that map you will keep an eye on every corner!
#4Buzz_Litebeer  Feb 28 2007, 15:19 PM -
Replays: 6
This is true. I played this map yesterday and did a few things differently.

What I identified as my major weaknesses in this map was poor scouting and not being aggressive enough against all players on the map.

Since I cannot rely on my teammates (no offense potential teammates!) the idea is to harass every enemy on the map and make sure that they are too busy holding off attacks and not producing shielded units etc..

My most recent game I had 3 scouts that just hovered over that area behind my base, and had several planes scouting the entire time. I also built forward bases (as you noted was a good idea) next to their bases as close as I could get and focused on building, air power, and defense at the main base.

The forward bases were made behind my initial armies, so that my 3rd and 4th etc... land factories were not built on my side of the map but theirs, and they were screened by a pd or two as well as units.

What this allowed me to do is keep the enemy off guard and scrambling. Even though I lost a base or two sitting out there, it required the enemy to actively create offensive units to keep up the attack. That and continual bomber/gunship attacks (even when the bombers became obsolete) forced him to spend money on air defense, instead of spending money on things like nukes, experimentals, or standard point defense.

Anyway, this was a real learning experience for me as well as a recent game were I got nuked just as I was moving into an enemy base.

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