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Supreme Commander

[R] COW_Scaffy vs Matiz

#31Matiz_pl  Apr 29 2007, 09:40 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
well, ok i understand u sion. u r right but i have one question: why i got silver with my game against mephisto and now u say matiz vs scaffy wasnt good game?

im far far better now than i was when i played this game vs mephisto...,

anyway i dont care, in next games i will builid radar, and more scouts and then the game will get better marks biggrin.gif
This post has been edited by Matiz_pl: Apr 29 2007, 10:31 AM
#32AncientSion  Apr 29 2007, 11:07 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
QUOTE(Matiz_pl @ Apr 29 2007, 11:40 AM) *

well, ok i understand u sion. u r right but i have one question: why i got silver with my game against mephisto and now u say matiz vs scaffy wasnt good game?

im far far better now than i was when i played this game vs mephisto...,
anyway i dont care, in next games i will builid radar, and more scouts and then the game will get better marks biggrin.gif

I never said this game is not good or not silver-worthy tongue.gif I just said its *far* away from that miraculous 9-rating that phoenix-guy gave.

The rep vs mephisto is from the beta, so its majorly outdated.
Every passing weak will raise the bar for a replay to become silver or even gold, because people get more experienced and new tactics develope, plus people becoming better at the game in general.

At this point, I AM definitly expecting more from a standart replay than what i expected 4 weeks ago, let alone 3+ months ago biggrin.gif

The thing i dislike the most about this replay is the boring mid/endgame part where both of you mass SCUs and boom while doing pretty much nothing apart from regulary sending a bunch of T3 bots at your opponents base. I understand its difficult to do something different, because if you decide to raid your opponent instead of booming as well, and it fails, you are pretty much done at that point.

Anyways, i will get a "official" review up today smile.gif
This post has been edited by AncientSion: Apr 29 2007, 11:09 AM
#33Matiz_pl  Apr 29 2007, 11:12 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
#34vilm  Apr 29 2007, 13:37 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
rating is about entertainment value, not about flawelss play, iirc
#35AncientSion  Apr 29 2007, 14:57 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
QUOTE(vilm @ Apr 29 2007, 15:37 PM) *

rating is about entertainment value, not about flawelss play, iirc

No its not. Read the sticky and you will be enlightened.
In addition, entertainment and skill come and go hand in hand.
#36AncientSion  Apr 29 2007, 18:35 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:

IPB Image Matiz_pl
IPB Image CoW_Scaffy

IPB Image

RETAIL v 3223

IPB Image Matiz_pl

+ 4:30 Friggin good micro, killing the hostile aurora with two of your hunters.
+ 7:15 Sending your commander to help you claim the right expansion was a risky strategy but good anyway.
+ 10.15 Nice manual reclaim job.
+ 11.15 Nice mantis assistance while setting up a vital PD.
+ 12:30 While it was obvious, the few Vipers were essential to do in between T2-T3 teching. All in all they got 100 kills.
+ While it was rather useless in this game, setting up a lot of T1 pds is a good idea in general, to defend from SAB harassment.
+ Doing SCUs was a good idea considering everyone usually only thinks about T3 bots.
+ Cybran SCUs are not very good at combat, so you basicly wasted a lot of time and ressources upgrading 2 of them with repair upgrades. The upgrade is usually good, but in this case you better get more SCUs because having more firepower is better than being able to repair. Plus the repair conflicts with the mininuke.
+ Very good you didnt gave up, even after 2 nukes got your base.
+ Good reaction when he nuked your right expansion, sending SABs away.
+ Very good comeback, massivly investing into your eco.
+ Excellent job setting up several layers of PD when his Harbingers approached.

- I think your first engineer is better ordered to expand and build some MEX instead of reclaiming trees.
- 4:45 sending the hunters to the upper expansion without intel support was not good.
- 8:15 Still, no intel on the upper part of the map. DUDE...
- 10:00 Your lack of intel allowed the enemy to partly isolate your main from two sides. your main base.
- 13:00 You send your commander to an advanced position, without proper escort.
- 14:45 You made a critical mistake here. Instead of giving separate orders to your 5 Vipers, it seems you ordered them to move as a lot with the Mantis. You should always move them manually to a backwards position. The five of them would have killed a lot more that way. 1 Missile = 1 Aurora less. Fortunally you realized that and pulled them back at 15:45. Then again, a minute later you messed that up again.
- 24:20 Nice. This is the first time you actually scout your enemies base, 24 minutes into the game.
- 28:30 lol. Nice try, "circling" your SCU. However, circling means running in circles, not ordering them to patrol on a straight line. Next time, set up waypoints that look like a small triangle, that will work.
- 37:30 You forget about your dragonfly in the middle. Nice idea, bad execution wink.gif
- Im not gonna comment on that nuke silo anymore.
- You should have manually aimed your Scathis. It was a waste most of the time because it either fired walls, Harbingers or the Colossus.
- Obviously Colossus > Monkeylord. You had a lot advantage timewise, but his HP were still too much for you.

IPB Image CoW_Scaffy

+ Setting up the 2 forward factories with your commi was good.
+ 08:00 Nice trying to flank the enemies main base with the stuff you got out of your forward factories.
+ Very nice to try to flank the enemies base now from an different angle.
+ 19:30 Very nice hard raiding his MEXs with your harbingers.
+ Not sure if the colossus was better than an equivalent amount of SCUs, but it worked out i guess.
+ Doing a full push was the right decision. Sending only your GC would have net you nothing, but by sending your SCUs (who were a big part of your eco, income and buildingpower-wise) you got the momentum.

- 5:00 You only had a single scout. This is BAD, especially considering you ran your commi to the expansion without knowing what to expect.
- 15:00 74 Auroras, 46 Flares and 4 SCOUTS ? WTF. This is bad.
- 16:30 You have exactly ONE scout in your main base. Your entire army near your enemies base is without radar coverage. THIS IS MADNESS !!!! Honestly, a very, VERY serious error.
- Instead of Rushing to T3 to get Harbingers, you should at least have build a single T2 or T3 engineer is between, if only to unlock more advanced eco-buildings.
- 22:45 Instead of running your 4 Harbingers through his base, you should have blown up his lines of MassFabs.
- 26:30 You began wasting mass.
- In general, a nuke is stupid on this map. 9 out of 10 players will notice it and counter it easily, especially on a map this small. This is my opinion !
- Instead of making more nukes, you should have scouted his base to see if you can change to harbingers and finish him.
- At 57:00 you had +300 mass overflow. Not a major problem, but i often see games like this being lost or won because the eco is not fully utilized.


Mad game with loads of SCUs and Experimentals.
Note that i focused mainly on Matiz`s few, therefor more pros and cons for him.

Major lack of scouting on both sides made this an amusing watch. I have no clue how both are able to maintain their level of play, considering the utter lack of intelligence on both sides.
Early game is interesting, mid is boring, endgame is interesting again, at least once the nukes are launched and the real fun began.
Matiz was very good at getting a major comeback.
Even though there are some serious issues, the game has been promoted to Silver because its a good watch nontheless.

RATED AS: 6.4/10, rounded down.
#37Matiz_pl  Apr 29 2007, 19:52 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
respect dude.

very good review. lots of irony and a little bit of anger but it is reasonable. well, when i watched first part of replay, i got stroke of intelligence. i lost a lot because of little scouts.

since next game im gonna change my BO and i will builid scouts and radars

thanks for the tips, useful

but one thing: what do you mean about this "circling"? i didnt watch replay to 28 min so can you describe it plz?

This post has been edited by Matiz_pl: Apr 29 2007, 19:53 PM
#38AncientSion  Apr 29 2007, 21:10 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
QUOTE(Matiz_pl @ Apr 29 2007, 21:52 PM) *

respect dude.

very good review. lots of irony and a little bit of anger but it is reasonable. well, when i watched first part of replay, i got stroke of intelligence. i lost a lot because of little scouts.

since next game im gonna change my BO and i will builid scouts and radars

thanks for the tips, useful

but one thing: what do you mean about this "circling"? i didnt watch replay to 28 min so can you describe it plz?


Heya. No offense meant. Considering i watched the entire replay twice now, it cant be that bad, i had my fun.

At minute 28 you had a 5 or 6 harbingers approaching your base, you had a single SCU nearby. You ordered your SCU to move up and down, supposly trying to avoid the enemies fire. This did not work, because targetting is only distract by abrupt movement and not by running up and down. You need to gradually change your movement direction.

You did it like that:
IPB Image

Firstly, almost all shots hit. Secondly, because of the type of movement you ordered, your SCU was unable to return fire, because everytime he has adjusted his torso to face the harbingers, he had to turn back to fulfill his movement order.

Rightly done, it would look like this:

IPB Image

By doing so, you would have negated about 1/2 shots, AND your SCU would have been to fire a few shots while running the 1/3 towards the enemy. It is important to constantly change movement, so the enemy "targeting sensor" can not pick you up. By taking a different route all 2 seconds or what you will ensure they cant "lock on".

Its hard to explain, sandbox is a good way to get a feel for this. I recommend you to try this, at times it can save your ass, like negating 95 % of the gunships attacking you, our avoiding a few fury-filled T3 bots trying to assasinate your ACU.

Note that giving a patrol order will NOT work, because if an enemy is enganged my being in patrol the unit will stop moving and fight instead.
Secondly, this is not meant to attack, because your unit will fire less shots and less accurate shots. It is meant to survive, because by circling you will avoid damage and therefor you will drasticly increase the the time until you die.
You will primary want to use this to protect your ACU from T3 bots and to protect your ACU from Gunships, especially T2 and T3.

At any rate, if you still have no clue what im talking about, watch the replay at minute 28. This is one of the things that make the difference between being a casual-gamer and between being a pro. In my opinion.
#39Ftang  Apr 30 2007, 05:20 AM -
Replays: 5 Game:
whats going on? how did this make silver?
#40AncientSion  Apr 30 2007, 07:16 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
QUOTE(Ftang @ Apr 30 2007, 07:20 AM) *

whats going on? how did this make silver?

6 upwards certainly qualifies for being silver.
In addition, this thread is not meant to discuss wether its worthy or not. I watched is twice, reviewed it and im summary decided it be worthy of becoming a silver replay.
Discuss the replay, not the rating.
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