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Supreme Commander

Open Palms Ranked - end in T3

#1Srlok  Apr 4 2007, 16:33 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Well, the topic says it all, I have lost and I would like some tips to improve my strategy and economic management.
Comments and Crits welcomed...
#2Yanoshi  Apr 5 2007, 23:19 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
First of all, i'm by no means a pro, but i think i can give you some tips anyway.

watched the first 7 minutes of your replay now and you can improve quite a bit in your beginning build order and economy. You could get your first fac up a little sooner. you then make more factories, to the point where you have so much that a couple are idling, either because you forgot or don't have resources. Lots of factories are nice, but be sure to be able to fuel them!
Also you make quite a number of mech bots, they are nice to give your scouting parties or engineers a little punch, but are pretty weak by themselves otherwise. strikers + lobo do a better job most times.
The units you do produce spend some time at your base before being sent somewhere, this is even more important because the UEF units are very slow, so every second counts. (forward factories are a must as UEF, which you do nicely).

Scouting is also very important, at the 7 minute mark your opponent is everywhere around you, with you not knowing. your army is spread thin and loses almost every encounter. it is better to have good intel and strike where you can do some damage.

On to watching the rest now..

Ok i watched the rest.

You make up for your relatively slow start by massively outproducing your opponent in tier1 units. At some point you have secured your side of the map with three armies, which are substantially larger than your opponents, probably because he is spending resources teching to t3. At this point, you might have been able to overwhelm and kill him. Your armies, after securing your position do very little useful things, like attacking or raiding. they just stand there waiting to be killed by a bigger army. Your intel is pretty bad until you get a radar in the end, at which point it is basically too late.

Concerning your macro strategy i would say, more scouting, and adapt your play accordingly, without knowing what the enemy does, it is very hard to come up with a killer strategy.

Considering micro army management there is a lot to be gained there by just adding a few snoops to each taskforce. I have seen a few times where an army of yours is sitting somewhere and an equally sized enemy force approaches, and they can just pick off your units from a distance (because of the aurora's superior range). and because your units can't see them they do nothing. in the end the enemy moves in and finishes off what remains of your force.

I think 20 scout planes and 30 snoops might have won the game for you.

You did do some nifty things with point defense, throwing them up just outside of where his forces would be, this is the kind of thing you can do due to good intel smile.gif

I hope this was useful smile.gif
#3KingsRevenge  Apr 7 2007, 04:55 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
The main things I saw that you needed to fix is scouting. I usually don't scout but because of the nature of sup com, scouts are cheap and it helps to know what is coming so you can prepare for it. Instead of being surprised all the time. One thing is to attach the airfield to your hydrocarbon plant, and have more situational awareness of your units.
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