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Supreme Commander

Solarity vs Wrath on Reanoke Abyss

#1Solarity  Apr 8 2007, 20:03 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Fun little game I had on Reanoke after being on what seemed a loosing streak cause by silly mistake... Interesting to note he had 3 Navy Factories up before I attacked, one was at tech 2 tongue.gif Dont think I made many mistakes, teched MEXs early and had perhaps some OTT radar coverage lol Nice twist he didnt see at the end hehe Anyway, a review would be greatly appreciated...

#2Solarity  Apr 9 2007, 12:48 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Nobody got anything to say?
#3AncientSion  Apr 9 2007, 13:59 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
I watched until 11 minutes into the game. I say both of you were making some fatal mistakes. For example, you made a bomber "rush", if thats even to be considered a rush. You constructed 5 bombers before you attacked, and you did not even scout beforehand. That was a big mistake.
Then, as Aeon you dont need ships. You make lots of ground factories and your use your auroras to to kill the enemy, easy as that.

Your enemy was playing very, very bad. For example, he made no use of his commanders stationary build-range, literally wasting a lot of time running all of the over island.
At least he scouted though.
On the other hand, when your bombers killed his power generators he had an energy effiency of 8 !! %. And that didnt stop him from NOT pausing his MEX upgrades (as in he didnt pause his MEX upgrade).

I suggest you two to watch some pro replays and get better. You obviously know the basics, but there is lots of stuff to expand on.
This post has been edited by AncientSion: Apr 9 2007, 15:59 PM
#4PaRaSiTe_X92  Apr 9 2007, 14:18 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
How do you show the efficiency %? I used to know but have completely forgotten. sad.gif
#5AncientSion  Apr 9 2007, 15:56 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
If you click on the button where you can see your current mass/energy surplus or deficit it will change from raw numbers to a %-indicator.
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