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Supreme Commander

[R] RS_Gollum vs GoW-Eshez

#21Zulan  Mar 15 2007, 00:07 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
QUOTE(Eshez @ Mar 13 2007, 18:00 PM) *

How about they just make us type the whole name of the building or something.
hot keys suppost to SAVE time, that build mode crap is messed up.

I absolutely agree to you. Especially since the keys are very widely spread which is imho impossible to handle efficiently since you constantly also need the shift key in range. Instead it should be maybe mapped to the "qwert..." /"asd..." rows in the same order as the icons.
Also the responsibility on the build mode activation is to laggy. If it needs to be done with an extra build mode activation it should at least be _instantly activated once i hit b.
#22Mantorok  Mar 23 2007, 13:25 PM -
Replays: 1

Very nice game from both parties. I always learn so much watching you guys play. Yet I can seem to understand the lack of micro on the Harps... If you have 3 full health facing 5 (2 in the red, 1 in yellow, 2 full health), why shot the full health first? kill off the reds and even the battle... It happened 4 times! I was screaming to my screen "Gollum, Shot the RED, SHOT THE RED.....AHHHHHHHH"

Eshez, is there a posted game where one may see you lose? Just wondering if it ever happened smile.gif GG m8

Gollum, t'es un habitué de W3 et autres jeux micro!!! Ca devrait venir tout seul ces ptits reflexes! Bien joué n'empeche

#23Eshez  Mar 23 2007, 19:55 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Think I posted the ladder loss aginst bluescreen, dunno.

watch the horrible defeat of me and conq on the team replays page, I'm sure that will satisfy you biggrin.gif
#24RS_Gollum  Mar 29 2007, 18:48 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Gollum, t'es un habitué de W3 et autres jeux micro!!! Ca devrait venir tout seul ces ptits reflexes! Bien joué n'empeche

<<--- noob micro biggrin.gif
[french on]

Et puis sérieusement, déja j'aime pas la micro, et surtout, dans une game comme ça, j'ai trop de trucs a faire pour m'amuser a tirer sur les unités low hp tongue.gif Je peux utiliser le temps plus utilement a faire autre chose que ça.

[/french off]

Sorry tongue.gif
This post has been edited by RS_Gollum: Mar 29 2007, 18:48 PM
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